These are the best natural solutions to counter fatigue.
Fatigue is a decline in physical and psychological vitality. It can be temporary (change of season such as spring or fall) or chronic and manifest as a feeling of weariness, loss of energy, a lack of concentration or a desire to sleep. Fortunately, natural solutions exist to stop it. Panorama with Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist specializing in alternative medicine, Florence Foucaut, dietician-nutritionist and Dr. Monique Quillard, homeopathic doctor.
1. Magnesium against intense fatigue
This mineral participates in nearly 300 reactions in the body. Its deficiency therefore exposes us to numerous health problems, but it also affects the psyche and well-being. “Lacking magnesium is responsible for significant fatigue, hypersensitivity to stress, irritability, low morale, sleep problems as well as difficulty concentrating. explains Florence Foucaut, dietitian-nutritionist. Every day, our needs are 360 mg for women and 420 mg for men. Deficiency of this mineral is common. The reason? “Magnesium is hidden in energy foods that we ignore to keep in shape such as chocolate, bananas, whole grains such as bread, pasta or rice, legumes such as lentils, white beans and split peas and oilseed fruits such as almonds, Brazil nuts and hazelnuts, specifies Florence Foucaut. Stress is also to blame because at the slightest anxiety, the body draws on its magnesium reserves to better cope, causing the level to quickly drop.. If necessary, consult your doctor: after implementing a specific diet, he or she may prescribe supplementation.
2. Vitamin C to avoid iron deficiency
An anti-fatigue vitamin par excellence, it is also immunostimulating and promotes the absorption of iron by the body, an essential mineral to fight against anemia. Finally, it is antioxidant and helps fight free radicals which contribute to fatigue. Our daily requirements increase with age: they are 110 mg up to 75 years old, 120 mg after this age. If you are a smoker, your needs rise to 130 mg, because each cigarette “burns” 25 mg of vitamin C!
Where to find it : It is mainly hidden in fruits and vegetables including blackcurrant, guava, kiwi, red pepper and watercress. “But be careful, it is very sensitive to heat and oxygen, specifies Florence Foucaut. To benefit from its benefits, it is therefore advisable to consume foods that contain it quickly and preferably raw or very lightly cooked.”
3. Vitamin D against fatigue and depression
Insufficient when the sun is lacking, vitamin D is essential to fight against fatigue, muscle weakness and depression. Our daily requirement is 15 mcg. “Approximately 70% of our needs are covered by sun exposure, our body being capable of producing vitamin D under the action of UVB, the rest must be provided by food, indicates Florence Foucaut. If, between the months of May and October, exposure of 15 to 20 minutes, with bare arms, is enough to benefit from this right dose, in winter, the lack of sunshine causes the rate to drop. It is therefore essential to include foods that contain them on your menu every day.” In France, 80% of people lack this nutrient. Furthermore, the darker the skin, the higher the risk of deficiency.
Where to find it: in fatty foods. The undisputed champion? Cod liver oil, with a contribution of 12.5 µg/teaspoon. Repulsed by the idea of having to swallow it? You will also find it in fatty fish: 100 g of smoked herring, canned sardines or steamed salmon are excellent sources. It also exists in the form of supplementation in ampoules or drops.
4. Ginseng against physical and mental fatigue
Ginseng has been used for 7000 years in China for its energizing properties. The root is sovereign in cases of generalized fatigue: it improves physical, psychological and metabolic capacities. It helps fight against the effects of stress, improves our mood by stimulating dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps us see life in pink and, according to a study published in 2005 in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, it even helps improve our cognitive performance (concentration, memory, etc.). “Be careful however, it is not recommended in cases of high blood pressure and may interact with anticoagulant and hypoglycemic medications”specifies Sylvie Hampikian. It is better to seek the advice of your doctor before consuming it. It must be taken as a treatment for three weeks to one month, taken in the morning and at midday.
5. Guarana: a powerful tonic
The seeds of this plant native to Brazil contain twice as much caffeine as the coffee beans themselves! “As three clinical studies published in 2006 showed, this richness allows guarana to increase our attention, combat drowsiness and improve our concentration. But on the other side of the coin, this plant is so tonic that it is contraindicated in cases of heart disease or high blood pressure”explains Sylvie Hampikian. You can consume it as a powder to mix at the rate of a teaspoonful in a drink, preferably cold (fruit juice for example). On the other hand, if you are sensitive to caffeine, avoid taking it after 2 p.m., at the risk of not sleeping all night.
6. Maca, super energizing (to be avoided by pregnant women)
This plant native to the puna (high altitude region of the Andes, between 3800 and 4000 altitude) is super energizing. So much so that she is nicknamed “Peruvian ginseng”. Please note, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children, as well as in cases of metabolic disorders. If maca exists in different forms (capsules, capsules, liquid extracts, etc.), choose the powder: it is easily mixed with a glass of water, fruit juice or a smoothie, sprinkled on a vegetable dish or a mixed salad…
7. An anti-fatigue rhodiola herbal tea (before 5 p.m.)
A clinical trial carried out in 2007 published in Nordic Journal of Psychiatry proved that this plant native to Scandinavia had antidepressant properties, capable of reducing the symptoms of mild to moderate depression. “It is consumed as a herbal tea at a rate of 2 g of rhizome (underground stem) of rhodiola to infuse in 250 ml of boiling water, before filtering and enjoying, preferably in the morning or very early afternoon”specifies Sylvie Hampikian. Avoid at the end of the day, as it can disrupt sleep.
The seeds of this citrus fruit contain vitamin C as well as flavonoids, powerful antioxidants. All these active ingredients act in synergy to boost our energy and chase away fatigue, strengthen our immune defenses and, taken at the first symptoms, help to overcome microbial infections such as colds, tonsillitis and other bronchitis. You will find Grapefruit Seed Extract, better known as EPP, in pharmacies and organic stores. Recommended for adults and children alike, it comes in the form of drops to be taken two to three times a day, ideally in the morning and at midday, in a little water or fruit juice. Around 15 drops are enough to fill up on its benefits.
9. Lemon, rosemary or bergamot essential oils
Lemon essential oil: to get back in shape, there’s nothing like lemon essential oil with its toning properties. It provides energy and allows us to have optimal gray cells! Pour two drops onto sugar or a piece of bread. “Its pungent scent and its regenerative power give us an instant boost! However, avoid swallowing it at the same time as a drug treatment as it could reduce its effectiveness,” recommends Sylvie Hampikian.
Rosemary essential oil : because it promotes learning and strengthens our ability to cope with an overload of work, rosemary essential oil is our ally in cases of fatigue. Breathe in 5 drops of essential oil in diffusion, 5 to 10 minutes, three times a day or apply 2 drops diluted in a vegetable oil on the inner surfaces of the wrists and the solar plexus and breathe deeply.
Bergamot essential oil : it is the essential oil of good humor. “In cases of psychological fatigue, it helps us to chase away dark thoughts and rediscover our joy of living by stimulating the production of serotonin, the hormone of well-being. To be used in diffusion or to breathe on a tissue”, advises our expert. Be careful, do not apply it to the skin as it is photosensitizing.
10. Homeopathy can help with fatigue
Homeopathic medicines are indicated depending on the cause and type of fatigue:
- Fatigue after physical exertion: Arnica montana 9CH 5 granules morning and evening
- Fatigue from physical and intellectual overwork with headaches, for students during exam periods: Kalium phosphoricum 15 CH, 5 granules morning and evening or Avena sativa 3DH and Alfalfa 3DH, 10 drops of each set morning and evening, for convalescent fatigue.
If after 3 weeks, you are still flat, don’t insist and go see your GP. Fatigue can also be a symptom of a more severe vitamin or mineral deficiency, an infection, a psychological problem or even be due to certain medications… After questioning our activities in recent months and, if necessary , a blood test, there is no doubt that the practitioner will pinpoint the reasons for this exhaustion and will be able to put an end to it.
Thanks to Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist specializing in alternative medicine, Florence Foucaut, dietician-nutritionist and Dr. Monique Quillard, homeopathic doctor.