On February 14 at the Diocesan library of Teramo, An interesting cultural meeting was held on the subject “Consciousness: a challenge for IA and neuroscience” In order to relate human consciousness and artificial intelligence (IA).
Numerous authorities present, including Monsignor Lorenzo Leuzzi – Bishop of the diocese of Teramo-ATRI, Stefania of Padua, deputy mayor of the Municipality of Teramo, Flavio Bartolinidelegate of the President of the Province of Teramo Camillo d’Angelo and mLytizia Air Fatigati, School manager of the “Alessandrini-Marino-Pascal-Upi-strong” technological pole as well as regent of the classic, European and musical high schools of Teramo.
After greetings and introduction of Don Giovanni Giorgio, Director of the Center for theology “San Paolo VI” of Teramo e Don Carlo Farinelli, Parish of the parish “San Lorenzo Martire” of Nepezzano-Piano d’Acia, the authorities present for institutional greetings took the floor.
Subsequently the speakers intervened: the professor Monica Mazza, ordinary of psychometry and specialist in clinical neuropsychology and psychophysiology at the University of L’Aquila and the professor Aniello Russo Spena, President of the Academy of Sciences of Abruzzo, former principal of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of L’Aquila.
The two speakers dealt with the topic by framing it according to two different perspectives: In the first, consciousness was interpreted as an expression of the functioning of the mind, in turn analyzed with the method of cognitive sciences, while in the second the criticality of the definition of consciousness was analyzed in the various historical and philosophical contexts. The interventions of the speakers was followed by an interesting and in -depth debate, during which the theme of the AI was also addressed and with those present who addressed very significant questions to the speakers.
The cultural meeting also intervened the teachers FRancesco Masedu and Marco Valenti of the University of L’Aquila e Luca Iadecola, Privacy expert.
The idea of progress or “innovation”, as emerged from the debate, seems to worry the spirits of those who feel dominated by economic, political, media, and scientific-technological powers, on which it seems that it cannot act in any way. The cultural meeting wanted to offer the numerous participants a point of resistance and hope useful for each and open paths of hope for a future that, in some way, we are already living.