On the Carnic front, in 1916, the difficulties in transport made the refueling of Italian units located in the high mountains extremely complex. The troops, exposed to the extreme conditions of war and climate, suffered serious deprivations. To cope with this logistical emergency, the help of the women of the municipalities of Paluzza and Timau, who offered volunteers to transport food to the shoulder and ammunition to the soldiers in the trenches.
These women, known as “carnic bearers”, played a fundamental role in supporting the Alpine departments during the First World War, such as the “mother courage” of the Brecht work of the same name. With a red bracelet that reported the number of the department on which they depended, they traveled differences in altitude of over 1,000 meters, transporting the gerle weight of 30-40 kg on the shoulders. It is estimated that around 1,454 carnic bearers were who made their tireless contribution to the war cause.
The story of Maria Plozner Mentil
Among these women there was Maria Plozner Mentil, born in Timau (Udine) on November 17, 1884. Married to Giuseppe Mentil in 1906, he had four children. When the war broke out, the husband was sent on the Goriziano-Triestine Karst front, leaving her alone with the children. Despite the difficulties, Mary replied to the army’s appeal, becoming a bearer. Her example inspired other local women, who joined her in the task of supporting the fighters on the front line on the mountains of Carnia.
His figure is remembered with honor in a marble plaque placed on his birthplace in Timau, where he reads:
“Here the births had on November 17, 1884 Maria Plozner Mentil, heroin of Timau and carnic women, synthesis of sublime military virtues, fallen under the enemy lead on February 15, 1916 at the Malpasso di Pramosio. The Alpine battalion Tolmezzo welcomes him among his glorious dead. 16 June 1934.”
The contemporaries remember her as a kind woman, loving mother and tireless worker.
The supreme sacrifice
On February 15, 1916, Maria left, as every day, with the draper of Timau and Cleulis bearers to supply Italian troops to the Malpasso di Pramosio. Flanked by her friend Rosalia Primus, delivered delivery and began the descent. But around 11:00, a discharge of enemy shotgun, coming from the summit of the Koder Alm, caught them by surprise. Maria was hit by the side and fell without a lament. Rescued by her friend and the Alpine troops, she was transported to the Ospedaletto di Paluzza, where she pushed over the night.
His last words were regrets to no longer be able to help the Alpine troops in the defense of his land. After 17 years, thanks to the commitment of Major Alberto Osti and local authorities, his remains were transferred from the cemetery of Paluzza to the military one of Timau, where he rests next to the Alpine troops with which he shared sacrifices and suffering.
The recognition of the homeland
In 1997, the President of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro gave Maria Plozner Mentil to the memory of the gold medal for military valor, representing all carnic bearers. The motivation underlines its “commendable patriotic spirit”, the awareness of the dangers and the absolute dedication to the cause.
In 2023, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the Military Case of Paluzza was officially named after Maria Plozner Mentil, thus becoming the only defense infrastructure dedicated to a woman. The inauguration ceremony took place in the presence of the Undersecretary of Defense Isabella Rauti, who paid tribute to the sacrifice of Mary and the carnic carriers, underlining the importance of their contribution in Italian history.
The heroism of carnic carriers was never sought, but lived with a silent dignity. Humble and strong women, they faced the frost, the weight of the gerle and the danger of the enemy fire to support those who fought to defend their land. Today, the memory of Maria Plozner Mentil and his companions live in the attitude of the Military Paluzza area, a symbol of all those who still contribute, with tenacity and sacrifice, to the defense of the homeland and its institutions.