Flavie Flament, now aged 50, is she anxious in the face of the age and time? The journalist of “Télématin” confided, without eyeshadows, to Maïtena Biraben …
Flavie Flament has spent many years under the gaze of viewers, before disappearing from screens for some time. Then she returned to the front of the media scene at the start of the 2024 school year to present Télématinon France 2. Since its inception, the host revealed by Exclusive And Home stars has necessarily changed physically. But is it complexed by this?
Flavie Flament, “worried” about “aging”?
The presenter has just passed the 50th anniversary. But does this new stage in his life anxious? Invited by the media Ladies And questioned by Maitena Biraben, Flavie Flament first assured that she was not “worry“At the idea of”age” And “to change“. At least, she had no fear about this a short time ago.
“A year ago, I would have told you: ‘So I really, I get older it is not especially a subject because I am lucky to be beautiful in the eyes of those around me, of a man who loves me, of my children. So I never felt as free as now“, detailed the one who is in a relationship with a painter named Yannick, according to Here is.
Flavie Flament, complexed: “Aging in front of the spotlight every morning …”
But today, everything is not so simple. Since she returned to the small screen, her insecurities have resurfaced. Benjamin Castaldi’s host and ex-partner is now subject to a “almost permanent exhibition“Now, as she had already entrusted to Instagram, the more she is exposed and the more she”Want to hide“.
“”I returned to a kind of light that I had left and I realize that it is easier to age Penard in the street, in a more anonymous life than to age in front of the spotlights every morning“She explained. In addition, the image projected of oneself through a television screen is often far from flattering.”I saw a woman on the air, a madam, and I said to myself ‘firecracker’ because it is quite fascinating. We don’t see each other, we don’t look at each other from every angle but the television is relentless“She said.
Despite everything, Flavie Flament is satisfied with her age and feels good in her sneakers, as she had explained to the show 50’Side : “I have never been as well in my skin and in my body as when approaching these 50 years“.