At 98, Judith Magre continues to go on stage. And yet, the actress awaits death impatiently, as she confided, without filter, facing Jordan de Luxe …
Judith Magre is now 98 years old and she does not fear death, quite the contrary. Even if she still performs on stage and currently declaims poems from Baudelaire at the Poche-Montparnasse theater, she hopes not to stay too long! The actress confided in the Luxury Jordan set …
Judith Magre, ready to die? “”I would be happy not to wake up“”
The actress is formal: she awaits death! “”I would like to die as quickly as possible“, She released in the face of the animator’s astonished gaze. It must be said that at 98 years old, the one who admitted to having used Botox several times no longer feels fit.”Aging is horror (…) I would be happy not to wake up one morning, life is not a nice gift“She added.
The ex-wife of director Claude Lanzmann never wanted to have a child. “”Putting a child in the world is monstrous and life is shit (…) for me it is not the most beautiful thing, the proof is that I never wanted it (.. .) What happiness not to have them“, She said, before clarifying, however:”But I have an extraordinary chance, I have little nephews and nieces absolutely wonderful“.
Judith Magre and alcohol: “I started at seven years old“”
If Judith Magre is nonagenarian and almost centenary, she does not have an impeccable lifestyle. Far from it! The actress notably has a complicated report to alcohol: “It’s difficult, as I don’t like to eat, I only eat a little and then in meals I drink a little drink. And then my small bottle of champagne every day. And then a little whiskey or a vodka before sleeping it helps fall asleep“.
The actress has this penchant for drink since … her younger age! “”I started at seven years old, I got drunk one day by swallowing a jar of cherries in brandy with my parents. I have always drunk! But I have never been drunk and I lived with people who liked to drink well and who have never been drunk“.