Amel Bent had to fight throughout his career. After having long been the one who “touched the least money”, the singer took her destiny in hand and decided to set up her own society …
Amel Bent took his destiny in hand. After having long been a “simple” singer, the artist set up his production box and decided to jump into the big bath. It must be said that the interpreter of the tube My philosophy has often been less paid than the team around him …
Amel Bent, poorly paid? “It is the artist who touches the least money”
Recently invited on the set of the show ClickAmel Bent, who releases his new album Midnight May 16, was long “A kind of doll, make up, make up your make -up, that we dress, that we undress “as she explained to Mouloud Achour. During her first years of notoriety, the 39 -year -old singer did not feel that she had her say in the management of her career. A situation that weighed on him: “I didn’t want to be just the girl singing“.
“”I like this expression: ‘we know ourselves’. It is something that I feel very very strong when I come across another singer. For a long time, for example, I felt like I could not sit at the adult table, people who managed for me. It was mainly men, but it is not so much the fact that it was men, there was one side: ‘You, sing, and we take care of the rest’“She detailed.
In addition, Sofia’s mother, 9, Hana, 7, and Zayn, 3 years old (born from her marriage to Patrick Antonelli) was less paid than the rest of his team, as Mouloud Achour explained: “Often, when there is an artist contract, it is the artist who receives the least money “.
Amel Bent set up his own box: “I wanted to be an adult”
To gain autonomy, Amel Bent therefore launched a challenge twelve years ago: she set up her own company, not without difficulty. “ON said to me, ‘Why do you want to set up a box?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, I want to do like you’. I went to the Commercial Court in Bobigny. They said to me, ‘Do you want to set up a box of what?’. I said, ‘I don’t know, you put everything in it, production of shows, records, merchandising,’ ‘,’ “, She remembered.
And to specify: “Basically, I didn’t really know why, I just wanted to be an adult and I knew it might be the start of a form of independence in the business of my music, that I was not going to be the one who is only behind the microphone“.
The singer, revealed in the show New star In 2004, therefore enjoyed real freedom and more financial control: “I no longer have an artist contract, since I am a producer, so I perform. I want to understand, I want to learn. ” View the moon does not scare him …