Sugar is the enemy of skin and health. Addictive, it is difficult to get rid of it, but not impossible! Discover immediately a healthy and gourmet food that can be the ideal boost in this ordeal.
Cakes, yogurts, fruit juices … Sugar is everywhere! Many people wish to decrease their consumption, even get rid of it. And for good reason, it is responsible for several problems such as the acceleration of skin aging, the appearance of pimples, and the increase in the risk of overweight or obesity. The concern? It is not easy to say goodbye.
If you have already had a sudden desire for sugar, you know what we are talking about. So, in order to avoid finishing the packet of granolas, we must tell you about a healthy and gourmet food which avoids any frustration. “It is an excellent ally against the desires of sugar for several reasons”begins by explaining Pascal Nourtier, dietitian-nutritionist in Paris. Rich in fiber, it is good for cardiovascular health and metabolism. It contains little sugar, stabilizes blood sugar (blood glucose levels) and stimulates serotonin and dopamine, in other words, the hormone of happiness and the molecule of pleasure. Do you like dark chocolate? You will love this article. Be careful, we don’t talk about any chocolate, you have to choose it with a percentage of at least 85.
Why is it important? “85 %chocolate, or more, is recommended because it contains less sugar and more cocoa, a source of beneficial nutrients”develops nutritionist. You will understand, the more the percentage increases, the less your snack is sweet. On the other hand, its taste is more bitter, which does not please all palaces.
Other criteria must be taken into account before buying a tablet. Prefer a chocolate containing only beans and cocoa butter. The goal is to avoid soy lecithin and artificial aromas. Also, it is recommended to opt for an original cocoa traced (Criollo, Trinitario, Forastero), guaranteeing better richness in antioxidants. Finally, pay attention to certifications (organic, fair trade and eco-responsible transport). Good tasting!