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If business leaders can quickly see their bank invoice fly away, an online player crushes the competition, according to our winners of banks which offer the best prices in 2025.
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High -end customers par excellence, business leaders are demanding with their bank. All compete in ingenuity to satisfy this clientele, which, if it is satisfied with the service rendered, will not hesitate to buy other products or services, such as savings, insurance or scholarships. However, business leaders do not hesitate to take a look at the banking rates charged and to compare.
Our partner, the pan -spa comparator, has done this exercise for them. He passed the prices of 100 banking establishments on the test bench to find the cheapest. Depending on the needs of business leaders, of course, with a very high -end credit card, etc. In order to make the record as exhaustive as possible, Panorabanques compared the à la carte prices (each service is charged individually) and those of the packages (or grouped service offers). The cheapest of the two was retained in our table.
Clientele with strong purchasing power and particularly pampered by banks, business leaders are the only ones this year to benefit from a drop in their average costs, which go to 429.20 eurosagainst 434.5 euros last year. In question, the new international option proposed by the ICR and the Mutuel Crédit to 20 euros, which significantly lowers the price in these establishments, but also the general average.
No change on the other hand on the top of the podium, where Fortuneo (online bank of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa) continues to reign supreme, with annual costs unchanged at only… 11.50 euros !
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Fortuneo outside category for business leaders
The other online banks accustomed to the podium, such as Boursobank (Société Générale’s subsidiary) or Hello Bank! (BNP Paribas subsidiary), are absent from our ranking, because they do not provide very high -end bank card managers, such as the Infinite Visa or the Mastercard World Elite. Another online bank arrives in second position, Monabanq (Crédit Mutuel Federal Alliance group), with a price all the same 26 times higher than that of Fortuneo, at 307.20 euros…
For the rest and without big surprise, it is the traditional Crédit Mutuel or Crédit Agricole (the prices differ according to the regions) which are the least greedy in costs, with a breakthrough in fifth position of the Crédit Coopératif (group BPCE), whose prices were significantly reduced (342 euros in 2025, against 382 euros last year), due to the implementation of a favorable plan, ” comfort to act ”.
Bank costs: here is how much you will pay in 2025, according to your bank
The services included in our business manager profile
– CB Visa Infinite or World Elite Mastercard with delayed flow
– 3,000 euros in expenses outside the euro zone per year: 5 withdrawals of 300 euros per year abroad outside the euro zone and 2 payments of 750 euros
– 8 withdrawals per month to the automatic distributor, including 5 displaced
– 1 checkbook sent to your home by registered mail per year
– benefits from a personalized overdraft authorization (used 10 days a month, up to 500 euros)
– No discovery incident
– 1 Internet subscription
– 2 set up of permanent transfers and 24 periodic transfers per year initiated via the Internet
– 9 occasional transfers per year by internet
– 5 set up of sampling and 60 monthly samples from private organizations
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