Virginia Kaladich
Of Virginia KaladichFidae President (Federation of Catholic Equal Schools)
Particular days are those of the end of January for equal Catholic schools, which on the one hand are engaged with enrollments, that is, with the very essence of their survival. On the other, many are instead occupied with the activities and celebrations in honor of one of the greatest saints of the Catholic Church: Don Bosco. It is curious that these two moments of the year are so close, but it is certainly not a coincidence that we can refer to the father of the oratories and Christian school education. That’s why I wonder how Don Bosco would have faced the challenges that an educator finds himself living, trying to give some answers.
The importance of the educational relationship.
Don Bosco firmly believed in the value of the relationship between educator and student. This is why, in an era in which technology often replaces human contact, its relational approach teaches us how essential it is to create a welcoming and inclusive school environment, where students feel listened to and enhanced. In collaboration with the families, one must accompany them in their personal development and, of course, also in the academic one.
Full education.
The teaching of school subjects was very important for the founder of the Salesians, but not enough. Don Bosco knew very well how fundamental integral formation was that also included moral, social and spiritual aspects. In today’s school, it is essential to promote an education that develops not only cognitive skills, but also the emotional and social ones, if we want to train and grow responsible and aware citizens.
Prevention as an educational key.
How many times have we heard of Don Bosco’s preventive system, a real revolution in a company that was based only on the punitive system? But have we ever wondered what is the heart of his revolution? I believe there are few doubts: love was the pivot of all its system. “Love is above all to give, and not to receive. What gives one person to another? He gives himself, what he has most precious ”, recite the words of a great essay by Erich Fromm. This applies not only for the teaching-high relationship, but also for the relationships between teachers and between students, because only in this way does it all contribute together to build a climate of trust and mutual respect, where students feel sure to express their concerns. This can prevent problematic situations and promote everyone’s well -being.
The use of technology.
Integrating digital tools into teaching, always maintaining the human relationship in the center, can make learning more engaging and accessible. Don Bosco, while living in another era, would have had this type of approach to the digital revolution that we are going through, without ever forgetting a fundamental aspect: the responsible use of these new means.
The community dimension.
“To grow a child it takes an entire village” is an African proverb also mentioned by Pope Francis to underline how important it is today, in such a radical context of change, to reconstruct a global educational pact, where all are involved: institutions, families, Educators and students, in a shared educational project that contributes to mature a new universal solidarity and a more welcoming society.