Of Fiorello chain
I write this article with an incredible Magone, and strangely also with a smile on the lips. An oxymoron, it would be said, yet, this alternation of feelings does not appear strange to me if the protagonist of the story is called Eleonora Giorgi. Who is it useless to remember him, his curriculum is so vast and known that every word would be superfluous. There are many artists we love and that arouse in us beautiful memories and emotions, but some more than others are able to leave their mark. This is precisely the case of the beloved actress Giorgi. Of his films those who do not remember titles such as “Borotalco”, “Velluto hands”, “My wife is a witch”, “schoolmates”, capable of building a precise image on her on, both from the woman and the artist, that is, the figure that made us love: lightness. But if we have to speak lightness, that it is clarified immediately that the latter assumes in the specific case the typical connotations to which Calvino referred to the “American lessons”. He recommended to use it in the literature to try to smooth the heaviness of a world already full of its own tragedies, and weighed down by often opaque contours. Therefore, to look for the graceful inherent even in the most distressing eventsand never getting dirty with the sin of approximation. To make examples, the same author indicated some literary works risen to perfect paradigms of the idea of lightness, yet far from being didactic or improper. These were great works such as: Don Quixote della Mancia, the metamorphosis of Ovidio, Cyrano de Bergerac. He also quoted the verses of Guido Cavalcanti, Eugenio Montale, by Dante Alighieri in the precious “American lessons”. In some of these texts, lightness becomes almost humor, where the smile never leaves an indifference in itself. It would be said that The common human fate, with its sometimes comic, other dramatic moments, returns to us an idea of fragile man and at the same time epic. We are, with our greatness and miseries, fears and moments of absurd arrogance. Still, it is also in those errors that make us justifiable regardless. But the best of this nature comes out when we manage to use the weapon of irony, trying to reduce the load of sadness and fears. And this is what I think if I approach the contents of Eleonora Giorgi’s latest interviews with the concepts just treated. Behind every pain there is always a little hope that we can give to others. And Giorgi did exactly this, when, hit by a personal tragedy made public in November 2023, He tried to tell himself with sublime lightness. I wrote months ago of another woman with a similar path, Bianca Balti. And how not to be enchanted by so much grace? The moment you are aware of a sentence of this reach, it is spontaneous to lose lucidity, close yourself in yourself, lose the compass and deliver to chaos. From that point, every certainty loses its real measure. What will it be of me? Am I ready, ready, to face a war with evil? Nobody is. But in the case of Eleonora, of Bianca, and of many others who despite their illness continue to smile and live with fullness of emotions, Every fear is the means to overcome the limits imposed by it. And we are looking for a dialogue with third parties to reciprocate what has had. Eleonora seems to tell us “I don’t even abandon you now. Even in a limbo of unbearable fears and physical tests, I try to be with you as much as I can, to absorb your positive energies “. Every time he appears in public his gaze communicates gratitude to us. Until the last interview with Corriere della Sera days ago. The words of his second son Paolo, in Forum, addressed to Barbara Palombelli and the public who followed the episode, wanted to be a hymn to our good, for all the affection he received. Now we thank Eleonora for the sincerity with which she shared the darkest moments, wishing her so much serenity. People like her make the world better.
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