As of April 1, the RSA will increase by 1.7%, confirms the Ministry of Labor. Discover the new amounts according to your situation.
© Antonio Diaz / Adobe Stock
It is now official. From April 1, several social benefits – including family allowances, active solidarity income (RSA), allocation to disabled adults (AAH) and activity bonus – will be upgraded to 1.7%. An increase announced at Capital by the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families. This figure is slightly lower than 1.9% initially anticipated by the Social Security Accounts Committee in a report published last October. As a reminder, the revaluation of social benefits is not a boost, the amount of which varies to the goodwill of the government, She is supervised by article L161-25 of the Social Security Code. Each year, the amount of allowances therefore increases according to the annual evolution of consumer prices excluding tobacco. More precisely, the increase is calculated by comparing the average price indices of the last 12 months published by INSEE with that of the previous 12 months.
An RSA up 10.81 euros for a single person
To know the revaluation on April 1, 2025, it is therefore necessary to compare the average of the inflation indices excluding tobacco between February 2024 and January 2025 with that observed between February 2023 and January 2024. We then obtain a revaluation of 1.7%. Currently, the RSA amounts to 635.71 euros for a single person953.57 euros for an isolated couple or parent with a child, and 1,334.99 euros for a couple with two children. With revaluation, a couple with a child will see their RSA climb to 969.78 euros from next month, a monthly increase of 16.21 euros.
THE large familiesthey will logically benefit from the most marked increase. For example, a couple with three children will receive 1,616.29 euros, or 27 euros more than in March 2025. For each additional child, the amount of the RSA is now raised to 258.60 eurosagainst 254.28 euros previously, a gain of just over four euros.
These amounts can climb more for beneficiaries of Increased RSAa device intended for isolated people in great precarious situations. Widowers, divorced, separate or single … These beneficiaries receive higher aid if they have one or more children under 25 dependents, or if they are pregnant. With the revaluation of 1.7%, a person isolated with a child will see their RSA increased from 1,088.44 euros to 1,106.94 euros, a gain of 18.50 euros per month. For each additional child, the additional share is now increased to 276.74 euros, compared to 272.11 euros before.
The payment of the allowance soon conditioned at 15 hours of activity?
Note that since January 1, the approximately 1.8 million RSA beneficiaries have now been automatically registered with France Lord (ex-Pôle Emploi). Objective displayed by the government: bringing these audiences closer to the employment of a structured professional career, via A contract for engagement with the agents. Because so far, only 40% of beneficiaries were registered with the public operator.
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Among other obligations, beneficiaries must now carry out 15 hours of weekly activity -Workshops with France Work Councilors, Administrative Procedures or Medical Rendezers. If the Ministry of Labor insists that “These hours are not a condition for granting an allowance”a new sanction of “Suspension-remobilization” is nevertheless planned for offenders. Their allowance may thus be reduced, even suspended, if they do not respect their commitment to France work. This measure, whose implementing decree was initially provided for in the first quarter of 2025, will not be applied before June 1.
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