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Barely more than one euro per month. This is the modest sum that a trader will have to pay his bank in 2025, if he chooses Boursobank or Fortuneo. Here is our complete ranking of banking rates.
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The choice of a bank, partner on a daily basis, is essential for merchants. More than the simple price, the services provided are decisive. Hence the importance of making the right choice. To help you, Capital called on the pan -spa comparator, which studied the 2025 prices of 100 banking establishments. Which ones offer the most interesting value for money for merchants? Panorabanques compared the best of the two rates between on the one hand, the price of each of the services deemed essential (Read the list of services selected in the methodological details below) and on the other hand, the package offered when the services were gathered there. It is the cheapest of the two that was selected and which is indicated in our table.
Merchants are pretty well off this year. Their banking costs have only increased by 1.40 euros (+0.6%), from 235.40 euros on average in 2024 to 236.80 euros. This clientele, faithful among the faithful, is also highly sought after by banks. The usual duo invites itself to the top of the ranking, Boursobank (Société Générale) and Fortuneo (Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group), with a Annual invoice of only 13.70 euros. Two other online banks follow, Hello Bank! (BNP Paribas group), where the prices fell from 20 euros, to 88.70 euros – The newsletter on account debtoring is no longer billed in 2025 – and Monabanq (Crédit Mutuel Alliance Federal). Behind, the Crédit Agricole boxes are the most represented, strong of their “premium” package offer.
>> Our service – achieve up to 300 euros in savings per year thanks to our banking tariff comparator
The services included in our merchant profile
– CB Visa Premier or Gold Mastercard with immediate debit
– 750 euros in expenses outside the euro zone per year: 5 withdrawals of 75 euros per year abroad outside the euro zone and 2 payments of 187.50 euros
– 4 withdrawals moved per month to the automatic distributor
– 2 checkbooks recovered in agency
– benefits from a personalized overdraft authorization (used 10 days a month, up to 500 euros)
– an incident generating two intervention commissions, and an unauthorized overdraft of 500 euros over 10 days and 1 newsletter for unauthorized debtor account
– 1 Internet subscription
– 1 Installation of permanent transfer and 12 periodic transfers per year initiated via the Internet
– 10 occasional transfers per year by internet
– 4 set up of sampling and 48 monthly samples from private organizations
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