The co-ownership charges jumped more than 10% in Ile-de-France, in 2023, according to the latest data from the Grand Paris FNAIM. Who provides seven concrete advice to condominiums to lighten the invoice.
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– Despite the price shields set up by the State, the co -ownership charges linked to collective heating climbed almost 12% in 2023, compared to the previous year, and those related to electricity increased closely 9%.
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More than 10%. It is the increase in co -ownership charges in Paris in 2023 compared to 2022, according to data published in early February by the National Real Estate Federation (FNAIM) of Greater Paris, which is based on the returned data from general assemblies from 2024. At the origin of this trend, which contrasts with the stability of the previous 10 years, The flight pricescaused by supply problems at the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2022. Despite the price shields set up by the State, the co -ownership charges linked to collective heating have climbed almost 12% In 2023, compared to the previous year, and those related to electricity increased by almost 9%.
But “What has most unpleasantly surprised us is the increase of more than 10% of Maintenance and maintenance expenseselevators for exampleGrins Olivier Principle, President of the FNAIM of Grand Paris. At the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the public authorities had warned us of an increase in general inflation of 7 to 8% and our maintenance service providers had suddenly announced to us revaluations of their prices of this order. We see that they were in reality superior. ” Another category of co -ownership charges increased by more than 10% in 2023: Insurance premiums. The consequence of “The sinisterness of the old buildings”with in particular a lot of water damage, explains Olivier Principle.
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Concrete recommendations to lighten the charges bill
However, there are relatively simple means of reducing co -ownership charges. Here are the main advice provided by the Grand Paris FNAIM.
- First, via the trustee, the condominium must competition Regularly contracts with its service providers, whether cleaning of the common areas, the insurance of the condominium, the maintenance of equipment such as elevators and, of course, the supply of electricity and heating. The objective being to negotiate the most interesting prices and to adapt contracts sometimes concluded several years ago to the real needs of the building. In terms of energy consumption, another way to lighten the invoice is to Adjust the temperatures of collective heating On 19 ° C on the day and 16 ° C at night. Another solution, the installation of devices of Individual heating countwhich can also be set up for cold water and hot water. Without forgetting the planning of tRavaux of energy renovationfor example by changing the boiler of the condominium or by isolating the attic of the building.
- Then, the condominium must regularly monitor the state of the building and its equipment, in particular the plumbing, the facade, the roof and the elevators, to define the work to be carried out in priority and plan them. “Of Small repairs carried out immediately can avoid breakdowns or more expensive work later ”underlines the FNAIM of Grand Paris.
- In the event of a dispute, for example with the promoter who built the building, the condominium must strive to “”favor amicable solutions long and costly legal proceedings ” For co -owners, in particular lawyers, recommends the federation.
- Always to save charges, the co -ownership has an interest in preferring the signing of a contract with a service provider for hiring a guardian. Staff costs, starting with the employee warden of the condominium, in fact represented in 2023 the highest co-ownership charges in Ile-de-France, with a cost of 636.4 euros per lot, upwards 7.83% compared to 2022.
- In order to avoid the tax on vacant housing, the condominium has every interest in Rent the old guardian lodgeas residential room or commercial premises.
- In the event of an installation of solar panels On its roof, the condominium can resell part of the energy Thus produced, in EDF, benefiting from the photovoltaic buyout rate set up within the framework of the purchase obligation, financial aid created by the public authorities to encourage the production of renewable energy. The condominium can thus resell its electricity at a guaranteed rate for 20 years.
- Finally, as there is no saving for candle ends, the FNAIM du Grand Paris advises condominiums of Negotiate a room with the town hall for general meetingsor with the trustee himself if he has one, or with one of the co-owners for small co-ownerships.
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