An American study highlights the main reasons why couples get married, and contrary to what we would like to think, it is not always for love…
Nowadays, marriage is not always synonymous with love with a capital L, at least, it is not the primary reason why couples decide to get married, according to an American study conducted by Forbes Advisor, among 2000 people… divorced. Because love only comes in third place among the most cited reasons for getting married. Which suggests that if love does not hold the first place in the ranking, the marriage risks not lasting. So What really drives couples to go before the Mayor?
The main reason why couples get married is, according to the American study, financial security. Note that the PACS does not exist in the United States, while in France, many couples decide to opt for this solution, in particular to save on their taxes. A marriage that is therefore intended to be one of convenience, and for practical reasons on a daily basis.
In second place, respondents put forward the fact of “wanting company”. Among men, this is even the main reason for getting married. The idea of living alone worries more than one, because a life together is synonymous with sharing and happiness for most couples.
Finally, love only comes in third place! This motivation that one would think is at the top of the reasons cited for getting married is followed by the desire to start a family, to officially commit to one’s spouse. Some Americans also see in the union the possibility of benefiting from the health coverage of one’s future husband or wife. A not very romantic motivation, which of course, does not apply to the French.