The new resource ceilings to be respected in order to obtain social housing have been published in the Official Journal. They will come into force on January 1, 2025.
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Can you benefit from social housing in 2025? The resource ceilings not to be exceeded to be eligible to obtain a HLM housing were published in the Official Journal of December 28. They will thus be increased on January 1, 2025 by 2.47%, which corresponds to the increase in the rental reference index (IRL) between the third quarter of 2023 and the third quarter of 2024. Note that this is the annual tax reference income (RFR) of year n-2 which is taken into account for applications for social housing. For a housing request made in 2025, this is the reference tax income for 2023, recorded on the 2024 tax notice.
As a reminder, the resource ceilings not to be exceeded vary depending on the type of social housing you wish to obtain. Our first table concerns PLUS housing, which is financed by the rental loan for social use. It corresponds to low-rent housing. PLAI housing, financed by the assisted integration rental loan, corresponds to apartments allocated to tenants in very precarious circumstances. Please note that a household made up of one or more people with disabilities benefits from an upgrade to the higher household category. For example, a couple where one member has a disability falls into category 3 and not category 2.
To find out if you are eligible for social housing, you can use the simulator available on the tax administration website. You will first need to indicate the postal code of the municipality where you wish to obtain social housing. Then, you will be asked to enter the number of people to be accommodated to find out the amount of income that allows access to social housing in this municipality.
If you wish to apply for social housing, you can submit an application online on the tax administration website. You can also submit a form to a counter located near your home. The list and location of counters is available on this same site. It is strongly recommended to provide a complete file, including all the requested supporting documents, and updated, in order to avoid processing delays. On the other hand, you will often have to be patient since you now have to count between 6 to 7 years on average to be allocated social housing in France. A figure which even rises to 10 years in Ile-de-France.
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