«Our task is not just teaching but inspired through our life. Our testimony must go beyond words, communicating concrete signs of intelligence, prophecy and love that speak to the hearts of young people ».
Are the first words of Don Fabio Attard neo Rector greater from the Salesians, Elected last Monday by the 220 Salesian inspectors and delegates present in the chapter. With 66 years of age and 45 of Salesian life, it is the First Maltese who holds this role (Another Maltese is the current president of the world confederation of the ex-daily and friends of Don Bosco, Bryan Magro, friend of the new Rector Maggiore for over 40 years). Takes the place of the Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Currently pro-prefect of the Dicastery for the institutes of consecrated life and the Apostolic Life Societies, which led the Salesian Congregation for over 10 years, until 2024.
Attard chaired his first mass on Wednesday in the Basilica of Maria Ausiliatrice in Valdocco, Turin, where the 29th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation took place. “Don Bosco’s project was not propaganda, but evangelical,” said Don Fabio in the homily, “and for this he was credible”.
Equipped with vast theological, pastoral and academic experience, Don Attard, the eleventh successor of Don Bosco, “is called to conduct the Salesian congregation towards a renewed future, bringing Don Bosco’s dream to the center of the contemporary world»Explains a note.
Born on March 23, 1959 in Gozo (Malta) Attard attended the major seminar of Gozo (1975-1978). Subsequently, he embarked on the Salesian aspiration at the Savio College di Dingli, Malta, and then prepare for the novitiate in Dublin. On September 8, 1980, he made his religious profession as Salesian of Don Bosco in Maynooth, Ireland.
Don Attard achieved a degree in theology from the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) and a license in moral theology at the Alfonse Academy of Rome. He was ordained a priest on July 4, 1987.
In 2008 he was elected general councilor for youth pastoral care during the 26th general chapter. For a second mandate in 2014, he held this assignment until 2020, guiding the congregation in his mission for and with young people. With its coordination, the reference framework of the Salesian youth pastoral meal (2013) was published, a fundamental document that offers updated guidelines for Salesian pastoral work worldwide.
Don Attard has promoted worldwide initiatives such as the International congress on youth pastoral and family (Madrid, 2017) and coordinated the activities aimed at facing problems such as marginalization, poverty and migrations. In 2018 Pope Francis appointed him Consultor of the Dicastery for lay people, family and life.
His participation in the Synod on young people (2018) highlighted his commitment to giving voice to young people and in favoring greater integration in the life of the Church. As a new rector major, Don Attard will guide a congregation composed of 13,750 consecrated Salesians, organized in 92 inspectors present in 136 nations.