The housing noted G on the DPE can no longer be subject to a new rental contract since January 1, 2025. But owners brave the law, no doubt failing to finance a renovation.
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– The energy renovation of a housing rated G costs on average 40,000 euros, according to the National Federation of Real Estate.
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THE Thermal TOCKS labeled G on the DPE (Energy performance diagnosis) can no longer be subject to a new rental contract since January 1, 2025, for imperatives of ecological and social transition, these goods causing heavy heating invoices to their tenants. But the energy renovation of a housing rated G cost on average 40,000 euros, according to the National Federation of Real Estate (FNAIM), many landlords do not have the means to undertake such work. The alternative is then as follows: either they try to sell their property, for a discount, or they continue to rent it despite the ban provided by the climate and resilience law. Are there any outlaw ?
The Seloger real estate advertisement portal observes A fall of 87% the number of G. Gs rental announcements since January 1, compared to the same period last year. Already, in 2024, the number of rental of housing classified G on the site had plunged by 16%, while the rental of goods classified A/B/C/D/F had increased by 11% in average. Seloger sees it “An anticipation effect of the prohibition of rental of a good good on January 1, 2025”.
Paris, bad student for the prohibition of housing G
However, today, 2.3% of rental announcements published on the portal still concern classified Gsagainst 3.2% in the previous two years. And, with 4.7% rental ads concerning G, “It is in Paris that the new law is most struggling to be respected”underlines Seloger. Which invokes two reasons. First, thermal colanders represent more than a third (35%) of housing in Paris, compared to only 17% in France, 60% of condominium goods in the capital having been built before the First World War and a quarter between the two wars. Then, the supply of rentals in Paris remains very insufficient compared to demand. “This can lead certain owners to ignore the law, out of opportunism, and tenants not to take it into account, for lack of choice”decrypts Seloger. Moreover, in contrast to the trend observed in France, the rental of G goods had increased by 13% in Paris last year.
Thomas Lefebvre, vice-president of selogging in charge of data, however judges that the proportion of 2.3% rental announcements always concerning good G, on the scale of France, “Is minimal”. And that if it fell to zero, “This would not accentuate considerably The shortage of property for rent, mainly linked to the tightening of credit conditions ”n 2022 and 2023, who prevented a number of tenants from accessing property. The fact remains that this share of 2.3% is perhaps underestimated, insofar as 18% of rental announcements in France still do not indicate DPEdespite the obligation in force since 2021. “One can wonder about the share of G goods potentially hidden behind these announcements without informed DPE”notes Seloger.
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