The energy performance diagnosis (DPE) is an essential document as soon as you want to rent, sell or buy a property. What is it exactly? Is it compulsory? How is it achieved and at what price? What are the goods prohibited for rental following a bad DPE? What sanctions in the event of non-compliance? The point on these questions.
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– Energy performance diagnosis: what you need to know
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What does DPE mean?
Energy performance diagnosis: definition
Created in France in 2006, the DPE thus provides information on the energy and climatic performance of a house, an apartment or a building. He assigns him a label, from A to G, assessing his impact in terms of emission of Le L.271-6 of the Construction and Housing Code). It concerns all housing whose floor surface is greater than 49m2.
An assessment of the energy and climatic performance of a housing
The aim of this system is to inform the buyer or the tenant about his energy charges. And at the same time recommend him energy renovation work to be carried out to reduce her energy expenses and carbon footprint.
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How did the DPE evolve?
New regulations and label of the DPE
Since its creation, the system has evolved. Reformed in 2013 and then 2021, the new DPE became an enforceable. This means that in the event of erroneous content, the lessor / seller of the property and his diagnostician are exposed to sanctions in the event of prosecution of the tenant or the buyer. At the same time, a new energy label has emerged. She indicates:
- Energy consumption (expressed in kilowatt hour of primary energy)
- Gas effect emissions (expressed in kilogram equivalent to CO2)
Align with European energy policy
This version of DPE 2.0 is to be placed in the context of European energy policy aimed at reducing energy consumption. In France, he intervenes in the context of the acceleration of the energy renovation of buildings and the fight against thermal colanders. These very energy -consuming homes are assigned a F and G label by the diagnosis of energy performance. They must pass an energy audit before they can be sold.
Prohibition to rent real estate with a DPE G or F
As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with the climate & resilience law, the thermal housing classified G to the DPE are prohibited for rental. This ban applies to new rental contracts, and at the time of renewal or tacit renewal for current rental contracts. From 2028, the housing classified F will be affected, and from 2034, those classified E.
How to obtain the recognized label guarantor of the environment (RGE)?
When is the energy performance diagnosis compulsory?
Compulsory as part of the sale or rental of accommodation
The DPE is compulsory for the following transactions, carried out in mainland France:
- The sale of a building (house, apartment, building, etc.)
- Signing a rental contract
Any lessor who wishes to make his property available on the rental market must have the energy performance diagnosis carried out at his expense. In 2025, if he obtained a G label, he cannot rent his apartment or his house. All housing is affected, except those intended to be occupied for less than four months per year and independent dwellings whose floor surface is less than 50m2. The owner must also provide the result of the DPE as part of a rental which requires a rent permit.
The aim is to support the energy transition in the building area by encouraging the owners of “thermal colanders” to carry out work within their housing to improve their energy consumption, under penalty of being penalized.
Prohibition to rent too energy -consuming goods
This prohibition of the most energy -consuming goods on the rental market will ultimately concern:
- The housing classified G since January 1, 2025,
- The housing classified f from 2028,
- the accommodation classified E from 2034.
The result of the diagnosis may affect the fixing of the sale or rental price and become a real negotiation argument.
Compulsory realization of the DPE for collective residential buildings
Collective residential buildings are also subject – on a building scale – to the realization of a DPE. The measurement calendar is provided for by law n ° 2021-1104 of August 22, 2021 on the fight against climate change and strengthening resilience in the face of its effects. The calendar goes out as follows:
- 1ᵉʳ January 2024 for all buildings in single -ownership and for condominiums of more than 200 lots,
- January 1, 2025 for all condominiums between 50 and 200 lots,
- 1ᵉʳ January 2026 for all the condominiums of to a maximum of 50 lots.
Where should the DPE appear?
The DPE must be annexed to the rental lease or the sales contract
The energy performance diagnosis is integrated into the technical diagnostic file (DDT). The latter brings together different diagnoses and states (such as the state of technological and natural risks). The DPE is thus to be annexed to the rental lease or the sales charter. It must be communicated to potential buyers/tenants from the first steps (Article L 126-28 of the Construction and Housing Code).
Compulsory mention of the DPE in real estate ads
DPE labels must also appear in real estate ads. When the accommodation is classified F or G, the announcement must include the mention “housing with excessive energy consumption”. It must also indicate the amount of annual theoretical housing energy expenses.
How is a DPE going?
Make an appointment for a DPE
First of all, it is necessary to make an appointment online with a diagnostician. The government provides a directory of certified real estate diagnosticians. In order to save time, the owner must bring together several administrative documents before the visit. Here is the list of the most important supporting documents:
- Title deed (with the year of housing construction)
- Diagnosis living space (shab)
- Premises tax number
- Co -ownership
Documents and invoices to provide to the file
Other elements can complete the file and thus make it possible to obtain better results in its energy performance diagnosis. For example, purchase or work invoices on:
- Ventilation,
- renewable energies,
- insulation,
- sanitary facilities,
- windows,
- air conditioning,
- The heating system (boiler, radiator, fireplace …).
To estimate the annual amount of energy expenditure and give a classification of the energy performance of the property, the diagnostician is based on a precise calculation method.
3CL calculation method
The 3CL calculation method was adopted in July 2021 as the only method of assessing housing energy performance in France. It is centered among others on:
- the number of hours of occupation per day,
- annual vacuum cleansing periods,
- the annual emission rate of greenhouse gases,
- the estimated average temperature of the accommodation,
- the consumption of heating, cooling and water production equipment,
- Departmental climatic data.
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How long does it take to carry out an energy performance diagnosis?
The more the owner anticipated the arrival of the diagnostician in his accommodation, the less the realization of the DPE will be longer. Presenting the above documents at the start of the appointment will save precious time. The diagnosis lasts on average one to four hours. Its duration varies depending on the surface of the accommodation. For example, it takes about an hour for a 100 m² house.
What should the DPE contain?
The DPE must indicate the following information:
- The relevant characteristics of the property and the description of its equipment.
- The mention of the annual energy consumption or estimated for each type of equipment and the evaluation of the corresponding annual expenses.
- The assessment of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) associated with the annual consumption of estimated energy.
- The housing classification according to a reference scale (“energy” label).
- Recommendations to improve the energy performance of housing, with an assessment of their cost and their efficiency.
Anah aid: amount and conditions
What is the average price of an energy performance diagnosis?
THE DPE price is not regulated. It is freely fixed by the professional companies of building and energy (diagnosticians). Several criteria can act on the price:
- Geographic location,
- Area of places to diagnose,
- Presence of competition in the geographic area.
On average, the energy performance diagnosis costs between 150 and 250 eurosdepending on the date of construction and the area of the property.
What adjustment of the DPE calculation for accommodation of less than 40 m² in 2024?
Revaluation of the calculation method
In February 2024, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion announced an adjustment of the calculation of the DPE of housing of less than 40 m². And this, in order to correct the disparities and make the thresholds of the energy performance diagnosis more equitable.
The decree, published in the Official Journal on April 20, 2024, specifies that the new calculation method has taken effect since July 1, 2024. It has enabled 140,000 dwellings to get out of the category of energy customers (F or G labels), This represents more than 15 % of these surfaces. After application of the reform, the owners of these dwellings have recovered a new DPE label.
Ademe simulator
The ADEME DPE-Audit observatory has made a simulator available to the owners to find out if their accommodation of less than 40 m² is affected by the new calculation. Just enter your current DPE number.
How long is a DPE valid?
An energy performance diagnosis, carried out since July 1, 2021, is valid at most ten years. Those made between January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2021 are no longer valid since January 1, 2025.
DPE: What sanctions in the event of non-compliance?
Sanctions exist in the event of non-compliance with the obligation to carry out the diagnosis of energy performance. The responsibility of the lessor or the seller can thus be engaged if the document is not transmitted or if it includes erroneous information. Damages may be requested in court. The nullity of a sale could also be pronounced. Any breach of the information obligation may lead to a fine whose amount is 3,000 to 15,000 eurosdepending on the quality of the seller (natural or legal person, professional or not).
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