Going on a diet to lose weight is no longer so fashionable! On the other hand, you can do this little thing every day…
It’s decided, do you want to get rid of the little pounds that are ruining your life? Know that you you no longer have to go through the diet box to achieve your goals. If the strict diet was very popular a few years ago, today, many tips are revealed for successful weight loss. No need to just settle for green salad and some tomatoes: you can lose weight by eating a varied diet. Ideally, you will add regular physical activity to your balanced diet, and that’s it! Finally… if you also add this little habit to your daily life…
Recommended by the famous Dr Jimmy Mohamed (@dr.jimmy.mohamed), this reflex is really easy and quick to implement. Arguably the most popular doctor at the moment, with nearly 2 million subscribers on TikTok, he posts his advice daily on topics that concern us all. In one of his videos, he highlights the importance of eating fiber to lose weight. Indeed, without talking about diet, the simple fact of consuming fiber every day would allow you to lose weight. For what ? Simply because “the fibers will line your stomach and allow better satiety. Over time, your sugar level (glycemia) will gradually rise, thus avoiding glycemic peaks responsible for a rise in insulin which, ultimately, causes cravings.specifies Dr Jimmy Mohamed. By consuming a minimum of 30 g of fiber per day, you will no longer have the unwanted urge to snack between meals. Not bad, right?
In addition, foods rich in fiber are often low in calories. Including them in your diet will therefore allow you to eat in sufficient quantity without gaining weight. As you will have understood, it is essential to consume fiber to ensure the proper functioning of your body. But concretely, where can you find fiber in your diet? Simply enjoy legumes such as lentils, beans, chickpeas, but also oats, fruits such as apples and bananas, as well as whole grains, nuts and vegetables such as broccoli or Brussels sprouts.