Elon Musk demanded the release of a convicted offender and extreme derecha agitator, and falsely accused the prime minister, Keir Starmer, of not persecuting the violators of minors when he was director of the Public Ministry. Furthermore, there is a publication in which King Carlos III will dissolve the Parliament and convene elections to dismiss the British government worker, which will take place in the power, where it is impossible from the point of constitutional view.
Musk has seen the world of our internet obsessions. In a flurry of publications that came before the new year, the technological empresario was not enthusiastic about a party of extreme lateness in Germany to attack the United Kingdom on multiple politically sensitive fronts.
After ignoring Musk’s troleo in great measure, which was prolonged during these months, the British government responded to the viernes, aunque with the cortesía that characterized it.
“Elon Musk is a young man and quizá debería centered on the problems of other Atlantic lands”, said the Minister of Sanity, Andrew Gwynne, in an interview on LBC radio. The Jefe de Gwynne, the secretary of Sanidad, Wes Streeting, told the periodists: “Creo que algunas de las criticas que hacho Elon Musk están misjuzgadas y, desde luego, mal informadas”.
The United States is one of several European countries in which Musk intends to reproduce the influence that was favored by the elected president Donald Trump in the recent elections of the past. In addition to Germany, whose defense of the Alternative to Germany, an extremely late party with neo-Nazi vinculos, has agitated the politics of these countries before the elections of those who live, Musk has cultivated these vinculos with the first minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, who is a figure influential of the derecha.
In the United States, Musk’s antagonism has led to the labor of the government being aggressive and responsive to the incitement of the Internet. The authorities say that the false publications and incendiarias contributed to inciting the anti-migrant disturbances that occurred during the attack of three girls in a massive attack that occurred in the city of Southport and the Pasado Julio. Detuvieron has more than 30 people, who asked Musk to recognize the behavior by the one who qualified to attack the freedom of expression that ensalza in X, on social red.
The empresario said that Reino Unido “converted itself into a political state”.
Sin embargo, Musk has met with other controversial issues as he declared his support for the anti-migration Reform UK party and has responded by responding to a scandal of sexual abuse that has occurred for a decade in the northern town of Rotherham. It was calculated that there were 1400 young girls exploited by “bandas de grooming” (groups that go into the foothills) are mostly made up of British men.
It is more provocative that Musk accused the cause of Tommy Robinson, an extremist anti-immigrant agitator who recently saw the number of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon and that he was in prison since October, and was sentenced to despair of a judicial order to repeat his false assertions. a Sirio teenage refugee that I asked for ass éxito por defamation.
Robinson has been convicted of aggression, fraudulent travel and false passports to United States, where he intends to establish vinculos with derecha groups.
“Liberen Tommy Robinson!”, wrote Musk the 2nd of the money on his cue from X, which holds 210 million seguidores.
Robinson’s defense on the part of Musk may have caused his other aliados to be derecha en Reino Unido in an inconvenient situation. Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK and former Trump alum, supported Robinson, who founded the English Defense League, a nationalist Islamist group recognized by its violent protests during the finals of the decades of 2000 and 2010.
Farage, who was denigrated by Musk’s success and was courted by the hope of receiving a donation from Reform UK, was committed to the demands of a new investigation into the incident of sexual abuse in men. But I kept a silent ring for Robinson.
Just as in Germany, with Musk’s promotion of Alternative to Germany, an extremely late party, provocative of an amplia reaction on the other hand, Musk’s interventions attracted many admirers in the United Kingdom. But the analysts affirm that their proximity to Trump and their influence on the significance of their opinions, amplified by their platform in social rights, cannot be ignored by the government.
“It does not work in the United Kingdom or in Germany, and without embargo our donations are limited by our relationships with Trump,” said Sunder Katwala, director of British Future, a London-based investigative organization. “It will be quite difficult to maintain a relationship with Trump. Where Musk has a non-governmental function in the center of attention.
Katwala argued that I felt that the government would respond to Musk’s most extreme or erroneous statements, but only because of its unpopularity turned it into an attractive object for other critics. “Dejan un objectivo abierto al no decir nada”, dijo.
In private, the British officials say that they hope that, following Trump’s position in the finals of this summer, Musk has been busy revising the federal government to continue with his aluvión diario de critiques al Reino Unido y Alemania. However, your internet connection is sufficient to “affect the political climate”, as Katwala cites as an example of the escándalo of sexual abuse in men.
Musk’s publications contributed to desatar a storm in a case that was the object of local and national investigations from 2014. Since one of Starmer’s ministers, Jess Phillips, will respond to the petitions of another national investigation – said that it was competence of the ayuntamiento—, the Leader of the Conservative Party, Kemi Badenoch, criticized Farage’s criticism and castigated the government. “Nadie con autoridad ha unido los puntos”, published el 2 de enero en X.
Elsewhere, Musk affirmed that Phillips, subsecretaria de Salvaguarda y Violencia contra Mujeres y Niñas, who lasted much longer than his campaign for the derechos of the women, was an “apologist of the genocidio of violation”, a language that the partidarios of the derechos de las mujeres dijeron que ponía en peligro la seguridad de Phillips. Musk also tried to steal the scandal against Starmer, who headed the Corona Tax Service from 2008 to 2013, when he got the light first because of the abuse.
A few men were imprisoned, the investigations revealed that the police and the tax authorities were late in reacting before the denunciations, partly because the victims were reacted to the denunciation and partly because of concerns of racism because the majority of the accused were not paquistaníes británicos.
“Starmer was an accomplice to the violation in the United Kingdom when he was subject to the Corona Taxation for 6 years,” said Musk in a message published and published in the upper part of his story. “Starmer debe irse y debe enfrentarse a cargos por su complicidad en el petor crimen maivo de la historia del Reino Unido”.
From then on, in 2013, at the height of the scandal, Starmer published new guidelines on how the Corona Taxation was responsible for the cases of sexual exploitation of men.
When you get a permanent sealer in July, Starmer doesn’t have to worry about losing your puesto. But Musk’s bombardment of disinformation and criticism, combined with the possibility that it will lead to Reform UK, has attracted people from all the British political spectrum. Legislators have to endure laws to restrict extraneous donations to British political parties.
Musk’s apoyo sent messages to Carlos who intervened and called for elections revealing his ignorance of the functioning of the United Kingdom. Segun the terms of your constitutional monarchy, the king can dissolve the Parliament, but only to the petition of the prime minister, who decides when to call elections.
“Is a City Kane of siglo XXI”, said Katwala to Musk. “There is an image of the United Kingdom, an image of Germany, and some information that confirms these images. The problem that you have to export to the United Kingdom or Germany is the obvious failure to recognize the United Kingdom or Germany.
Mark Landler He is the head of correspondence in London at the Times. Cubre el Reino Unido así como la politica exterior estadounidense en Europa, Asia y Medio Oriente. Es periodista desde hace más de tres decades. More by Mark Landler