The elusive banking balance (SBI) corresponds to the sum that a creditor cannot enter a bank account. This incompressible minimum, equivalent to the amount of the RSA, applies even if the entry on the account takes place following the non-payment of alimony or a tax liabilities. Principle, approach and amount … Focus on the SBI.
Capital video: Elusive banking balance (SBI): Amount and principle
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– SBI: What you need to know about the elusive banking balance
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What is the elusive banking balance (SBI)?
A minimum of income on the bank account to cover current expenses
When a bank account is the subject of a seizure, the law provides for preserving a minimum amount, the elusive banking balance. Article L162-2 of the Code of Civil Execution Procedures specifies that the third party seized must leave the debtor an amount intended for Cover your current expenses (food, water, electricity …).
No approach is necessary to benefit from the SBI
The SBI is preserved without the account holder having to carry out the slightest approach. It is the establishment holding the bank account (or postal) which must leave this balanced bank balance available to its client. Then, to inform him of the sum left at his free disposal. In the event of a breach, the customer must make a complaint with his bank.
Attention : If a new seizure occurs on the bank account, the elusive banking balance is only preserved if it occurs more than a month after the first.
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What differences between SBI and elusive sums or receivables?
The elusive banking balance should not be confused with “elusive sums or receivables”. The latter concern them:
- social minima,
- alimony received,
- family services,
- reimbursement of medical expenses,
- elusive share of labor remuneration,
- retirement pensions,
- unemployment benefits.
These sums cannot be entered, or however to be accumulated with the SBI.
Two cases are possible:
- If, on the day of entry, the elusive claim is less than the legal amount due to the elusive banking balance, the bank leaves the amount of the balance on the account.
- If the elusive claim exceeds the amount of the SBI, the bank does not take the difference between the amount of this elusive claim and the elusive banking balance left the holder on the day of the entry.
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What is the elusive amount in a bank account in 2025?
The amount of the elusive banking balance in 2025 is set at 635.71 euros. This protective minimum is preserved whatever the family situation (presence or not of dependent children for example) of the holder. It corresponds to the amount of the RSA for a single person and without resources. The last revaluation of the RSA dates back to January 1, 2025.
What are the conditions for entering the bank account?
In practice, several cases are possible, depending on the state of the account on the day of entry:
- If, on the day of entry, the balance of the bank account is zero, no sum is left available to the holder.
- If the account balance is less than or equal to 635.71 eurosthe account is left as it is. For example, if the account balance is 300 euros on the day of the entry, this sum is preserved. But if a 2ᵉ seizure is practiced on the bank account during the same month, these 300 euros can be punctuated (if the new operation is at least equal to 300 euros).
- If the balance of the account exceeds 635.71 euros, the day of the entry, the sums exceeding this amount will be deducted. For example, the account balance is 800 euros on the day of the entry, the creditor will then be able to enter 164.29 euros (800 – 635.71 euros, euros).
Reminder : The elusive sums (social minimum, family benefits, etc.) cannot be punctuated, even if a second seizure occurs during the same month.
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