Energy cuts, unpaid invoices, available aids … Here are the steps to follow and the devices to know to avoid power or gas cuts at the end of winter.
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– With the end of the winter break, which organizations contact in the event of unpaid invoices?
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It is soon the end of the winter truce. As a reminder, this annual measure which prevents the execution of court decisions in connection with the expulsion of tenants ends on March 31. During this winter break, gas, electricity and water cuts are also prohibited, even in the event of non-payment of invoices. For the fourth consecutive year, 2024 marks the increase in intervention for unpaid energy bill.
In detail, according to the national energy mediator, Over 1.2 million interventions for unpaid have been implemented at the request of electricity and gas suppliers: 937,000 power power in electricity and 309,000 power or gas cuts. In question? An increasing energy precariousness, aggravated by inflation and poorly insulated accommodation. So what solutions to prevent you from having no more energy if the unpaids accumulate? Capital take stock.
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Gestures to adopt in the event of unpaid invoices
The first reflex is to contact – by phone or written – your energy supplier. He may agree to grant you a payment schedule. This schedule will allow you to avoid reminders, penalties or an energy cut by dividing the debt over several months.
The other advice, given by the national energy mediator, is in parallel with the energy supplier, you can also contact the social services of your locality. They will be able to inform you about certain financial aid and devices such as the Solidarity fund for housing (FSL). This system can provide financial assistance depending on the difficulty in paying the costs related to your accommodation. It can be paid in the form of a loan (to be reimbursed to the FSL), or in the form of a subsidy (without reimbursement). Also, social services regularly have direct contacts among energy suppliers, Solidarity correspondentsfacilitating exchanges and obtaining the payment schedule.
You can also inquire with your Family Allowance Fund (CAF), the Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA). Some organizations such as the Red Cross or Secours Populaire can guide you in your efforts, and even when possible, financially. One of the other possibilities if you do not know who you turn to, there is the energy-info telephone service reachable at 0 800 112 212 (free service and call), your interlocutor will advise you according to your situation.
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The energy check, boost to avoid unpaid
The energy check can also allow you to lighten your bills. As a reminder, this aid device was put in place to pay the energy bills (electricity, gas, wood, fuel oil), which can rise to 277 euros. However, beware, the clock turns. The energy checks issued before September 1, 2024 are valid Until March 31, last period. Regarding the 2025 energy check, bad news. Due to political instability, the 2025 energy check will not be paid next April But in a few months … now, it will no longer be possible with a boost to finance energy renovation work, in addition to the payment of invoices.
To prevent the year 2025, be marked by a fifth increase in unpaid people, the national energy mediator, believes that it is important to react. Initially, to financially help households in financial difficulty, with an increase in the amount of the energy check and the return to a fully automatic allocation mechanism. “”It seems essential to me that the attribution mechanism of the energy check, which has not been completely automatic since 2024, is again entirely automated ”, Defend in a press release Olivier Challan Belval, national energy mediator. In the longer term, the organization wants public policies efforts to be reinforced on energy renovation to make energy customers disappear.
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