Tabled on January 20, a government amendment to the 2025 draft budget planned to reduce the credits allocated to MaPrimeRénov’ by 500 million euros. Examined by the Senate this Tuesday, January 21, this amendment was rejected by the upper house of Parliament, which voted for an increase of 50 million euros in the budget for the main aid for the energy renovation of housing.
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– The government’s amendment to the 2025 draft budget will be examined by the Senate on January 21.
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MaPrimeRénov‘ almost paid the price for the State’s budgetary constraints. Filed on Monday January 20, a amendment from the government to finance bill for 2025 proceeded “to cancellations of credits” of the Territorial Cohesion mission “in order to achieve the public deficit target of 5.4% of GDP (gross domestic product) in 2025 set by the Prime Minister and to guarantee the sustainability of the trajectory of public finances”. This amendment notably canceled 534 million euros of payment credits on program 135 “Urban planning, territories and housing improvement” of the Territorial Cohesion mission. “The cancellations relating to program 135 relate in particular to the National Housing Agency (Anah), which distributes MaPrimeRénov’”the main aid to energy renovation housing, this text specified. “The amendment proposed to reduce 500 million euros the credits allocated to MaPrimeRénov’»initially set at 2.3 billion euros in the PLF, deciphers a ministerial source from Capital.
A lesser stroke than the 700 million euros mentioned last weekend by Le Parisien, a sign that the interministerial negotiations, notably between Bercy and Housing, had resulted in a sort of compromise. But this government amendment was rejected by the Senate this Tuesday, January 21, during the examination in public session of the credits of the PLF’s Territorial Cohesion mission. Better still, the upper house of Parliament adopted an amendment increasing the budget for this aid for energy renovation by 50 million euros.
“With the acceleration of climate change, the periods of extreme heat experienced in recent years are unfortunately expected to intensify and affect areas that have until now been little affected, such as the North and East of France. 21 million homes could be exposed to more than 20 days of heat waves by 2030, compared to 9.4 million currently. However, the vast majority of housing stock is not adapted to these high temperatures, transforming many homes into thermal kettles during the summer. It is therefore urgent to adapt housing, as many stakeholders have recently highlighted such as the Court of Auditors, the High Council for the Climate, and the Abbé Pierre Foundation. For this, it is necessary to provide more widespread support to individuals wishing to undertake renovation work.argue the senators authors of this amendment. The fact remains that the progress of the PLF 2025 is not complete, the Senate and the National Assembly having to try to agree on the text during a joint joint committee on January 30.
APL: good news, the Senate votes to eliminate the waiting month for new tenants
No change to the terms of MaPrimeRénov’
Note that“there will be no no change in MaPrimeRénov’ settings»assures the same ministerial source. For the record, the Ministry of Housing had published at the beginning of December, at the last minute before the censorship of the Barnier government, a decree and order stabilizing the main terms of MaPrimeRénov’. Concretely, in 2025, you retain the possibility of carrying out single works, such as changing windows or insulating walls from the outside, by definition less expensive than “bouquets” of work. The exclusion of thermal strainers of the route per gesture is also postponed to January 1, 2026. In other words, housing classified F and G on the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) remains eligible for aid per gesture in 2025. Finally, the obligation to provide a DPE at the entrance to the course by gesture is postponed until January 1, 2026.
As for a split of MaPrimeRénov’ into twowith “large-scale” renovations, combining several types of work, which would remain within the scope of MaPrimeRénov’, and the single-stage renovations which would now be financed by energy saving certificates (EEC), it is a question of ‘A “beginning of reflection, which does not appear in the 2025 budget”specifies the Ministry of Housing.
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