Young people who do not yet have the permit are all tempted to hold the wheel for the first time alongside an adult. But this practice represents an offense.
If everyone suspects, no one is really aware of it. Simply because we tend to minimize the danger when the roads are little frequented. And precisely, many young people have learned to drive in these places which are however strictly prohibited by the highway code. Besides, it is very often the parents who have this habit, to teach a few tips or to help their teens to get their hands before they even follow hours of driving. “”We go there with my father when there is no one, often after closing, to train and better control driving, start -up, or simply learn to make a niche “says Maxime, 18 years old.
Like him, many young people have this habit before winning their driving license. But it can be expensive if the police surprise you thus, to drive in a public parking lot, in a shopping center for example or in a supermarket. “”No one can drive a vehicle for the driving of which the driving license is required by this code, if it is not holder of the corresponding category of driving license in a state of validity and if it does not respect the use restrictions mentioned on this title“Specifies article R221-1 of the Highway Code. It is therefore strictly prohibited to teach your child the bases of driving in these private parking lots for public use even if they are deserted.
Indeed, those who do not respect this rule incur up to a year in prison and 15,000 euros fine. Because it finally amounts to driving without a license. In addition, the young person who does not yet have the driving license is not ensured in the event of damage, which exposes you to other risks.
Recall that for a year, the driving license has been accessible from the age of 17 for the age of category B. So it is better to wait until the end of learning in a driving school to let your child take the wheel of your vehicle. Otherwise, there is always the option of accompanied driving, provided that everything happens in the rules.