Do you have two or more children at home? Find out the amounts of family allowances as well as the resource ceilings to be respected to benefit from this valuable assistance.
Family allowances offer a valuable boost to families meeting the means tests. This aid helps finance part of the expenses related to the education and daily life of children. Find out everything you need to know to benefit from it.
Who can benefit from family allowances?
Family allowances are paid to people with at least 2 dependent children under the age of 20 (and from the first child in the overseas departments). They vary depending on the family’s resources and the number and age of children. Depending on the number of children, family benefits are therefore not the same. Let us remember that family allowances are paid from the second child, and the family supplement from three children.
What are the resource ceilings for receiving family allowances?
The amount of family allowances depends on the level of household resources. Remember that we must take into account the 2023 categorical net income for the year 2025. Here is the resource ceilings in force to benefit from family allowances:
Dependent children | Tranche 1 | Slice 2 | Slice 3 |
2 children |
< 78,565 euros | Between 78,565 and 104,719 euros | > 104,719 euros |
3 children | < 85,111 euros | Between 85,111 and 111,265 euros | > 111,265 euros |
4 children | < 91,657 euros | Between 91,657 and 117,811 euros | > 117,811 euros |
What is the amount of family allowances for 2025?
Here are the amounts in effect until March 31, 2025:
Number of dependent children | Tranche 1 | Slice 2 | Slice 3 |
Allowances for 2 children | 148.52 euros | 74.26 euros | 37.13 euros |
Allowances for 3 children | 338.81 euros |
169.40 euros |
84.71 euros |
Allowance for 4 children | 529.10 euros | 264.55 euros | 132.27 euros |
Increase for children aged 14 and over | 74.26 euros | 37.13 euros | 18.57 euros |
Flat-rate allowance | 93.91 euros | 46.96 euros | 23.48 euros |
What family benefits are paid from the first child?
At the birth of your first childyou benefit from the Childcare benefit for young children (Paje).
The birth bonus
The birth bonus is paid, subject to means conditions, from the 7th month of pregnancy. If you receive the basic Paje allowance, you will then receive these two benefits at the same time. The amount of the Caf birth bonus amounts to 1066.30 euros. As a reminder, there is as much birth bonus as there are babies to be born.
The adoption bonus
Parents who adopt a child benefit from adoption premium. In the event of multiple adoption, Caf pays as many premiums as there are children adopted.
Basic allowance
The basic allowance of the Paje is paid on the first day of the month following the birth of your child, every month until the child’s third birthday. It helps cover expenses related to the child’s education.
Parental educational leave
La shared child education benefit (PrePaRe) concerns parents of children under the age of three, who stop working to look after their child.
The childcare supplement (CMG)
Other benefits are intended for families, such as the free choice of childcare supplement if you use a childminder, a nanny or a micro-crèche to look after your child under 6 years old. Its amount is conditional on the parents’ income according to resource ceilings.
Back-to-school allowance
The ARS is paid automatically during the month of August and concerns school children aged 6 to 18.
What family allowances from 2 children?
Family allowances are paid each month to parents with at least two children To benefit from family allowancesall you need to do is send the Caf a copy of your child’s family record book or birth certificate. Note thatan increase is paid when your second child is aged 14 and over.
- The birth bonus
- The basic allowance of the Paje
- The shared child education benefit (PreParE)
- The complement of childcare (if a nanny, childminder or micro-crèche is employed).
What allowances are paid from 3 children?
In addition to the usual benefits (birth bonus, Paje, PreParE, CMG) linked to the birth of your third child (or more), you can also receive:
The family supplement
If you have at least three dependent children aged between 3 and 21 years old, you can then benefit from the family supplement. To benefit from it, you do not have to take any action since the tax services transmit your information directly to the Caf.
The moving bonus
Large families (from 3 children) can benefit froma bonus allowing them to cover moving costs. Please note that you can also receive it if you have two dependent children and you are pregnant with the third. However, the move must take place between the 1st day of the 4th month of pregnancy and the last day of the month preceding the 2nd birthday of your last child. Finally, this bonus is paid to families who are entitled to APL or ALF for their new housing. The amount of the moving bonus is equal to the expenses incurred in the move (with a certain amount not to be exceeded, depending on the number of dependent children).
The large family card for parents of 3 or more children
It allows you to obtain attractive reductions in many areas, some of which, such as the RATP and SNCF, as well as preferential rates on museums are particularly interesting.
What are the payment dates for family allowances?
The payment dates for Caf aid are generally set for the 5th of the following month. Here is the complete calendar for 2024:
Up to what age are family allowances paid?
Family allowances are paid until the child’s 20th birthday. Consequently, your eldest child, aged 20, ceases to be counted as a dependent child. Also, to compensate for the reduction in income, parents with large families (at least three children) can benefit from a provisional flat-rate allowancepaid under conditions.
The child aged 20 must still live under your roof and to be considered dependent on you, if he is in school or studying and working at the same time, his net income must not exceed 55% of the minimum wage for 169 hours .
- Family allowances (family of 2 or more children). (April 1, 2024):