That holy door open inside the Rebibbia prison makes noise: Pope Francis symbolically opens the door to the heart, hope and understanding where it is difficult to find them.
Three cardinal concepts that were the petrol with which Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, kidnapped to Raqqa in 2013 and never found again, has set in motion the prolific machine of the interreligious dialogue, his great “battle” of civilization.
The docufilm on the extraordinary life of the Roman Jesuit, aired on Rai last November and still visible on Raiplay, started itinerant discussion forum throughout Italy: the first in Lombardy will be held in Monza, on February 15, at 9 pm, at the oratory of the San Biagio parish, to reflect, after its projection, on the interconnections between mediation, education for the relationship and interreligious dialogue.
Monsignor Umberto Oltolini, head of the Pastoral Community Ascension of the Lord of Monza, gives a strong signal of church that he encounters and dialogues with his community on urgent and radical themes, but at the same time challengers on the deep value of mediation.
In the prestigious parterre of the speakers, the essayist Maria Martello, author of the book “The sense of mediation of conflicts. Between law, philosophy and theology “(Giappichelli), who thirty years ago created the model of philosophical-humanistic mediation, the director Fabio Segatori and Immaculate” Machi “Dall’Oglio, one of the sisters of Father Paolo.
An event designed not as an isolated, but prodromal of a path of training in -depth study that is part of the Holy Year just inaugurated and which will unfold in three parish meetings on the theme of mediation and justice.
What will remain of the values on which Father Paolo Dall’Oglio in the early 90s founded the monastic community of Mar Musa? << It seems clear from the documentary that his life has been very fruitful, that he has sown great principles, who can continue to have the same power today >>, comments Maria Martello. << We are not here to make the apotheosis, or to honor a well -spent life, but we want to enter into the merits of the values that he has testified to us and that are within the reach of all of us. It is not necessary to go to such extreme places such as the Syrian desert: the reality of our relational life already offers us a thousand opportunities to be able to apply the principles of dialogue, comparison, respect for the other even when there is an enemy. All this requires an important conversion of our heart, which would be the keystone to solve the problems of conflicts in our daily lives. We relaunch Father Paolo, from myth to model. He too would be happy with it, because he would see that his choices continue to convert other people to have other children and their own legs to walk on. Holiness should be the goal of each of us, the effort of everyday life of every Catholic >>.
Is mediating everyone’s responsibility? Monsignor Umberto Oltolini recalls attention to the figure of Cardinal Martini, a mediator of faith and humanity, who frequently raised his voice against every conflict. How can we forget his homily in the vigil for peace organized by the young people of AC on the occasion of the Gulf War, where the Cardinal reflected on the profound meaning of the word “intercede”: << ...In this regard, we find an illuminating page in the Bible. The moment when Job is, almost desperate, before God who appears to him as an opponent, with whom he cannot reconcile, shouts: “Who is therefore the one who will be put between my judge and me? Who will place his hand on his shoulder and mine? ” (CF GB 9,33-39, Vers. Spec.). Therefore not someone from afar, who urges peace or to pray generically for peace, but someone who puts himself in the middle, who enters the heart of the situation, who spreads his arms on the right and left to unite and pacify. It is the gesture of Jesus Christ on the cross … >>.
<< The experience of Father Dall'Oglio goes in this direction >>, comments Monsignor Oltolini. << We will field a series of initiatives starting from the testimony of such a significant life as hers. He is the man of listening and dialogue, the man of peace, which we can say today has "put himself in the middle" with all of himself for the encounter between the two confessions. Even the image of the desert as a place of essentiality, a metaphor for what really matters in life, is powerful. I think that only through silence can we express a word of reconciliation, of peace. I would also like to remember the "We and the Islam" speech by Cardinal Martini, on the occasion of the 1990 feast of Sant'Ambrogio, a reflection on the co -presence of people who come from other parts of the world, with a different culture and religious creed, But with which we are called to enter into relationship. Last year as a pastoral community we also lived a very important experience: we accepted the request of the Islamic community to be hosted in our environments to pray as Islamic community and celebrate the end of Ramadan >>.
There are also those who have known him from the commission. << I was in a group with Sabino Chialà, today prior of the monastic community of Bose, right in Mar Musa, in Syria, before the situation precipitated >>, says Sergio Cavasassi, member of the pastoral council. << Father from the Oglio evaluated the encounter with God by Muslims not as if he were a minor God. He tried to find meeting routes not in abuse, but in the mutual respect, in the belief that we are all children of the same creator >>.
The mediation of poor and deflation of the process of the process becomes – finally! – princess.