2025 will not escape financial scams of all kinds. Manipulation fraud has hard skin and can cost you dearly. The opportunity to come back to the most popular fraud, and how to avoid them.
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– Be careful in 2025, the scams will continue.
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In the first half of 2024, frauds linked to banking transactions (bank cards, checks, transfers, samples, etc.) reached 584.6 million euros. This figure is down slightly compared to the 590 million euros recorded over the same period in 2023. However, according to the observatory for the security of means of payment (OSMP), the number offraudulent operations Le jumped 12%, reaching 3.9 million during the first half of 2024.
And that’s not all. According to the Financial Markets Authority (AMF), Average losses declared by the victims of Various financial scams amounted to 29,000 euros at the end of November 2024. In its report on fraud statistics in the first half of 2024, the OSMP insists on the importance of not lowering the guard: “It remains absolutely necessary to continue the efforts to raise awareness of the general public, in particular with regard to the risk of Fraud to false banking advisor or by other forms of handling.This year, vigilance therefore remains in order to avoid financial scams of all kinds.
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Scam and manipulation fraud, a dangerous combo
The organization stresses that scammers are better and better informed about your finances! The OSMP indicates that they are able to call you and quote the balance of your account or your latest purchases. The pressure exerted by the crooks does not stop there. The AMF indicates the appearance of a new method, where a courier is sent to the victim to recover an allegedly defective bank card. So how to lift doubt? The organization recalls “that a banker never needs to ask identifiers to a client he himself called, nor to ask him to carry out operations to protect his account ”.
Another persistent threat: phishing (better known by its English name, the phishing). Do you think you receive an email or SMS from a well -known institution asking you to click on a link? It is recommended to turn his thumbs 7 times before clicking. The OSMP warns the most connected: “An administration or a large company does not send never such sms (Whether for advertising or institutional communication purposes) from an unknown mobile number.It is essential to access the site via a secure link, passing directly through the official page of the organization concerned, or to contact your bank or the institution at the origin of the message to verify the authenticity of the link.
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False investments and AI, scams that can cost you dearly
False offers of credits, savings booklets or investments that are too beautiful to be true? Please note, your sixth sense should alert you. AMF data confirms it, the damage can be colossal: “The average damage by victim observed over the first 3 quarters of 2024 by the ACPR (Prudential and resolution control authority) amounts to 69,000 euros for false savings booklets and 19,000 euros on false credits. ” Since 2023, fraudulent financial investments On crypto-active people keep growing.
Additional danger (if one had one), the use of artificial intelligence. Thieves exploit manipulated videos featuring celebrities who recommend so-called lucrative investments that generated quick gains. With the emergence of social networks, some “influencers” can also promote allegedly advantageous investments which are actually risky, even dangerous. Vigilance is therefore essential, especially since these mechanisms can go even further.
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False investments: how to spot the scam?
The AMF mentions a new well -established technique: “square fraud” or “the scam on the scam”. The concept? After a first attack on false investments, the victim is contacted by a stranger who says he is mandated by the authorities. The latter then asked him for a sum of money to recover his lost investments … The authorities recommend several reflexes to avoid drama: beware of speeches “Too beautiful to be trueOr check the authorities’ financial registers. After carrying out your own research, it is also advisable to contact the competent authorities in the event of doubt, such as the AMF on 01 53 45 62 00 or the Banque Epargne Info Service insurance at 34 14.
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