Bad news, in March 2025, the gas prices increased again according to the average established each month by the energy regulation commission (CRE). Gas suppliers should therefore revise their prices upwards.
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– Gas prices will increase in March 2025.
A little more. In March 2025, the price spotted published each month by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) since the disappearance of regulated sales prices (TRV), in July 2023, increased. The Cre presents two prizes as an indication to guide the gas consumers : a fixed price, that of the subscription, and a variable price, that of gas consumption.
In March 2025, the Average sale of natural gas To heat your water and cook is 0.15 euros per kilowatt hour any charge included (TTC), a little more than the previous month. In February, the average was 0.14 euros per kilowatt hour. The price is 0.12 euros per kilowatt hour for households that Heat with gas. In January, it was 0.11 euros. Prices spot gas for hot/cooking water and heating has increased again since December 2024, after a slight decrease in November 2024.
On the other hand, despite the fact that the price per kilowatt hour increases, the price of the subscription has not evolved since July 2024. It is 114.30 euros TTC per year in cooking/hot water and 277.43 euros TTC per year in heating. The Cree gives an average marker price of 105.25 euros per megawatt hour excl.
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An average provided by CRE to compare the prices of suppliers
It is indeed an average estimate of gas prices. CRE specifies that the latter incorporates supply costs, the energy rate on the wholesale market, and so -called costs “Excluding supply” That is to say those linked to commercial costs, the costs of delivery, storage and remuneration of the supplier. These prices allow consumers to compare supply offers based on a benchmark. Note that gas suppliers are not required to comply with these prices, this is no ceilings price.
In addition, since gas prices include transport and storage costs, the price actually paid by the consumer also depends on its geographic location. The closer he saw close to a coordinating port, the less the price of this energy will be high. It should also be noted that the averages provided by the CRE apply to the vast majority of the territory served by GRDF. For areas served by local distribution companies (ELD), as in Bordeaux or Grenoble, you must consult another landmark price, dedicated.
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