The childcare supplement (CMG) reduces costs for many parents. Discover the ceilings, amounts and conditions applied in 2025.
THE childcare supplement (CMG) is financial assistance paid by the Caf or the MSA to reduce the costs related to the care of young children. Whether you opt for a childminder, home care, a family crèche, a micro-crèche or an approved structure, this help, which is part of the young child care service (Paje), offsets part of the costs . As a bonus, parent employers also benefit from a tax credit to further reduce their costs.
What are the amounts of the Childcare Supplement?
THE monthly amounts of CMG aid are calculated based on the method of care chosen, the number of dependent children, the age of the children looked after and the categorical net income of 2023 for the year 2025. In addition, a minimum of 15% of the expense remains borne by the parents. The Caf also covers social security contributions at 100% if you employ an approved childminder, and at 50% for a nanny at home. Furthermore, if you benefit from the shared child education benefit (PreParE) for at least 50% part-time, you can obtain a reduction on the amounts. They are divided by 2. Here are the amounts in effect from April 1, 2024 until March 31, 2025 :
Monthly amounts for employing a childminder or nanny at home, if you are a couple, for 1 child:
Age of child in care | Tranche 1 | Slice 2 | Slice 3 |
Child under 3 years old | 529.28 euros | 333.75 euros | 200.22 euros |
Child aged 3 to 6 years | 264.64 euros | 166.90 euros | 100.11 euros |
Monthly amounts for a micro-crèche:
Age of child in care | Tranche 1 | Slice 2 | Slice 3 |
Child under 3 years old | 967.89 euros | 834.30 euros | 483.91 euros |
Child aged 3 to 6 years | 489.91 euros | 417.15 euros |
350.42 euros |
What are the 2025 ceilings that must not be exceeded to benefit from the CMG?
Here are the current income limits in 2025 for the complement of childcare. Please note that these resource ceilings are increased by 40% if you raise your children alone.
Dependent child(ren) | Tranche 1 | Slice 2 | Slice 3 |
1 child | < or = 23,903 euros | Between 23,903 and 53,119 euros | > 53,119 euros |
2 children | < or = 27,295 euros | Between 27,295 and 60,659 euros | > 60,659 euros |
3 children | < or = 30,687 euros | Between 30,687 and 68,199 euros | > 68,199 euros |
4 children | < or = 34,079 euros | Between 34,079 and 75,739 euros | > 75,739 euros |
Up to what age can you receive CMG?
To receive supplementary assistance for free choice of childcare method, your child must be under 6 years old. If you use a childminder, a nanny or a micro-crèche, the care must be at least 16 hours per month. This rule does not apply if you hire someone directly.
What are the conditions for benefiting from the CMG?
Depending on the type of custody, the conditions are not the same. If you have chosen a nanny or childminder, Caf pays aid to parents who are employed and who employ an approved professional. Their gross salary must not exceed 58.25 euros per day and per child looked after.
In case you resort to an authorized association or company who employs a childminder or someone at home, you can benefit from this supplement of free choice of childcare method if the child is looked after for at least 16 hours in the month. If you use a micro-crècheyou can benefit from this additional free choice of childcare method if the child is looked after for at least 16 hours in the month and if the hourly rate charged is not more than 10 euros per child looked after.
If you directly employ a childminder or nanny at home, the Caf then covers part of your employee’s remuneration which depends on your income, the number of children and their age. A minimum of 15% of the expense will remain your responsibility. The Pajemploi organization then pays you the Cmg remuneration.
What are the steps to obtain the CMG?
To benefit from the free choice of childcare supplement (CMG), make your request to Caf as soon as your employee is hiredincluding during the trial period. The Caf will then transmit the information to the Pajemploi center, and you will only have to declare the salary each month. Be careful, if you delay in applying, you could lose part of the aid.
Please note that the Pajemploi center calculates the contributions paid by Caf and tells you the portion that remains your responsibility. For example, social security contributions are 100% for the employment of an approved childminder and 50% for the employment of a home daycare provider. Finally, the employment certificate, which is equivalent to the pay slip, is sent directly to the employee. If you have already made the birth declaration of your child to Caf, You can directly make the request online by logging into your Caf account.