Spring is coming, the opportunity to gradually reduce your heating consumption. But, for as many savings as possible, here is the key date to modify your thermostat.
The energy prices weigh down every month a little more your budget? Good news, shortly, you will have the opportunity to considerably reduce these costs, on the sole condition of acting at the right time. Indeed, an expert reveals the key date to which extinguishing your heating and making as many savings as possible.
According to Gordon Wallis, heating specialist at Your nrgthe transition to a warmer period is not done overnight. If you may be tempted to cut everything as soon as the sun comes up, the expert advises to be careful : “I recommend lowering your thermostat by one degree each week from the moment the temperatures begin to increase. This will allow a smooth transition and reduce heating costs by about 10 % for each degree less”, he explains. An approach to keep a pleasant temperature while avoiding thermal shock.
So, when starting this gradual reduction? Gordon Wallis’s response is unequivocal: the ideal moment to make the transition is around March 30. That day, temperatures are starting to become mild enough for you to reduce your heating safely. The transition to summer time, combined with the increase in temperatures, marks the beginning of spring and the end of winter. It is therefore from there that you can adjust your thermostat and start saving energy significantly, without compromising your comfort. Think about it!
In addition, other gestures can help maximize your energy savings during this transition period. For example, remember to lower the temperature of your water heater. Reducing the temperature from 2 to 3 ° C can cause significant savings on your bill. And, if you have not yet installed programmable thermostat, it’s also time to consider it. It will allow you to optimally manage your heating periods, adjusting the temperature according to your presence at home.