In the “Gentile event” promoted yesterday in Piazza del Popolo Michele Serra and his daily Republic referred to the Manifesto of Ventotene (which the Quootidiano also attached freely). It was not the only inspiring reason for the event but certainly the main one. What is it about? Let’s see the story and the origins.
The Manifesto of Ventotene, written in 1941 by Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi with the contribution of Eugenio Colorni, is considered one of the founding texts of the idea of a united Europe. Redden during the fascist confinement on the island of Ventotene, in the Tyrrhenian Sea, the document represents a political project for the construction of a federal Europe, conceived as a response to the nationalisms they had led to the Second World War.
The historical context
During the fascist dictatorship in Italy, Ventotene became a place of confinement for political, intellectual and anti -fascist opponents. It was precisely in this context that Spinelli, Rossi and Colorni, exponents of the anti -fascist movement, developed a critical analysis of the crisis of the old continent and proposed a new political structure. Europe, devastated by totalitarianisms and war, needed to overcome the national state in favor of a supranational union based on democratic and solidarity values.
The principles of the document
The document, entitled For a free and united Europe. Project of a manifestois divided into three fundamental parts: Lto the crisis of modern civilization: the authors identify nationalism as the main cause of European wars, claiming that only a federal Europe can guarantee peace; cpost -war ompiti: the text proposes the creation of a European Federation with a supranational government, overcoming state divisions to guarantee freedom and social justice; chomopties of the movement for European unity: The need for concrete political action to carry out the European project is underlined, opposing the old nationalisms and authoritarian drifts.
The legacy of the manifesto
Diffused clandestinely during the war, the Ventotene Manifesto became an essential reference for the European federalist movement. In 1943 he was the basis of the creation of the European Federalist Movement (MFE), founded by Spinelli. The ideas contained in the document deeply influenced the European integration process, leading to the birth of the institutions that today make up the European Union.
The Manifesto of Ventotene still remains today a point of reference for those who believe in a united, solidarity and democratic Europe. His vision of a European federalism, capable of overcoming national selfishness, continues to be the subject of debate and inspiration for contemporary community policies.
In the photo, Altiero Spinelli