While 60% of 18-30 year olds have difficulty finding accommodation, the efforts of the public authorities are much more concentrated on students than on young workers, estimates the Court of Auditors.
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– “The policy of access to housing aged 18-30 is not thought of as a coherent whole”, regrets the Court of Auditors.
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Failing to find accommodation, students Sleeping in car parks, deplored Didier Bellier-Garière, general delegate of the Federation of Real Estate Promoters, during the last FPI conjuncture. Public housing policy would however be more favorable to students than to Young workersaccording to a report by the Court of Auditors published this Wednesday, March 19. “The policy of access to housing aged 18-30 is not thought of as a coherent whole. It was mainly students who have benefited from devices deployed with regard to their needs ”estimates the institution.
As proof of the park of 385,000 homes in university residences which is devoted to them. As well as the methods of allocating Personal aid to housing (APL), Who “Include aspects favorable to students”. For example, parents’ income is not taken into account in the calculation of APLs, even if the student is attached to their tax household. Students thus represent 60% of the attributors under the age of 30 of APLs, “A percentage higher than their share in this age category”point the finger at the Court of Auditors.
Student accommodation: “We visited slum at more than 900 euros per month”
Low -understandable disparities in treatment
In comparison, “Public support for access to housing for young non -students, in the majority in their age group from 21 years, is less”judge the Court of Auditors. Efforts carried out by the public authorities for ten years in favor of “young housing” “have Limited effects»»in the HLM park as in the private park, she insists. In support of this observation, an estimate of the General Inspectorate of the Environment and Sustainable Development, according to which the two networks devoted to young workers – the households of young workers and the young workers’ social residences – offer 68,000 places, or four times less that in university residences with a social vocation.
If access to housing is uneven between students and young workers, it is because this problem “Is at the crossroads of administrative silos resulting from a target subpopulations approach (apprentices, young people from social assistance to childhood, precarious young people, etc.) »analyzes the Court of Auditors. “This scattering and the cohabitation of multiple devices are source of confusion and treatment disparities Lack understandable for users “tance the institution. Without counting that they “Do not allow public investment to be measured and generate coordination costs, course breaks or redundancies that harm their efficiency”.
Student accommodation: “We visited slum at more than 900 euros per month”
60% of young people have difficulty finding accommodation
Yet whether it is a student or active, “Youth is characterized by their mobility and by lower and unstable income than other age groups”recalls the Court of Auditors. A survey that she led to 1,011 young people aged 15 to 25 thus reports difficulty finding accommodation for 60% of them. The level of rents, which weighs for 68% in these difficultiesis the first obstacle, followed by the lack of accommodation available (38%) and the owners’ refusal to rent to young people (37%). In addition, mainly housed in the private rental stock, “Young people are statistically more likely to reside in a energy colander“, notes the report. What “Exhibits particularly” At the risk of withdrawal from the private rental fleet of housing that is not renovated within the time limits provided by the climate and resilience law. The housing noted G on the diagnosis of energy performance (DPE) are indeed prohibited from rental since January 1, 2025. A prohibition which will concern the goods noted F from 2028, then those classified e from 2034.
To try to solve the problem of a housing policy that “Break to take into account young people as a whole”the Court of Auditors advocates the designation, at the national level, “Of a leader responsible for proposing a regular analysis of the situation of young people with regard to housing and to promote dialogue and exchange of experiences between territories»». “My ministry brought together all the players (housing) in the same ambition to develop the offer for both young workers and for students (and it) endeavors to equip the territories based on community associations”assures the Minister of Housing, Valérie Létard, in her response to the report.
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