Hugues Aufray assures him: he has never made a fortune. The 95 -year -old singer confided in his money and revealed that he considered himself “lucky” to have gone bankrupt several times.
Hugues Aufray did not embark on an artistic career for the bait of gain. The interpreter of Santiano likes simplicity and has always felt close to the peasant world. Moreover, contrary to what one might think, the 95 -year -old singer does not drive on gold and, throughout his career, he was the victim of many scams …
Hugues Aufray, scam: “I was robbed all my life“”
When Hugues Aufray started to be successful, he was nicknamed “The GAI LABOUTER of French song “as he did not seem attracted to luxury and glitter of show business. “”Instead of a Ferrari like Claude François, it was on a tractor that Paris Match took me in a photo. This reflects my ‘deep France side’ side“, had notably explained to Dauphiné liberated Whoever owned a farm in Ardèche, in which he made his own goat cheese.
And if he is the son of a rich industrialist and grew up in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, the singer has never been worn on money. So much so that he did not realize that he was ripped off. “”Whenever I had a happy new year, I entrusted my interests to a partner who took over everything (…) I was a candid. I was robbed all my life“He had explained to Gala.
According to his friend, photographer Alain Marouani, “Hugues never had much money because he was betrayed by dishonest people“.”I trusted, I never checked anyone’s accounts. And the people who betrayed me could not manage my things, they lost everything. But it was very good like that“added the principal interested in the documentary Hugues Aufray, the eternal young manwhich will be broadcast on France 3 on February 28 in the second half of the evening.
Hugues Aufray, ready to be “poor“:”I had the chance to go bankrupt“”
The interpreter of Stewball and husband of the discreet Murielle is even delighted to have never made a fortune! “I had the chance to go bankrupt several times. There is a contradiction for me because, in the past, the artists were poor. So I was ready to be. And suddenly, you make a fortune, it trains A kind of unlivable schizophrenia.“, He assured in the documentary.
If the singer still resided in a magnificent property in Marne-la-Coquette, near that of Johnny Hallyday, for years, he had to pay a lot of expenses and was therefore not at ease financially. Now he resides in an artist’s house in Marly-le-Roi, in the Yvelines, with his wife.