Necessarily entering into the privacy of their clients, real estate agents regularly witness situations that are, if not delicate, at least comical, during property visits. Like Céline, struggling with a very “heavy” owner.
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– For real estate agents, property visits can become comical… or downright embarrassing.
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Friendly, the job ofreal estate agent ? Yes, as in testified recently Virginie with Capitalbut this profession is not a long, quiet river! And we don’t talk about the sales that don’t happen because the credit is refused by the bank to buyers, but situations, if not delicate, at least funny, which real estate agents often witness, despite themselves, during property visits. Starting with the disputes between “mister and madam”. “I’m used to settling scores between husband and wife!”Céline laughs, real estate agent for ten yearsin the Paris region.
“Coming back from a meeting with salespeople, I sometimes say to my husband: “These are going to separate!” and I am rarely wrong, even though the couple has told me nothing about their marital situation, but I “feel” it now”assures Céline. She particularly remembers a couple of owners who swore to her that they wanted to sell their house because their youngest was leaving for her studies. “However, they separated a few months later… People don’t dare say it, probably for fear that real estate agents will repeat it to buyers, who might see it an additional means of negotiation»analyzes Céline.
Real estate: “The visit went very well but the buyer took out a divining pendulum…”
“At 5 degrees, the owner is in a t-shirt and underwear!”
In any case, it was a single gentleman who opened the door of his house to her, one beautiful sunny winter morning, while she was “prospecting”, as they say in real estate jargon, that is to say say she was looking for houses not yet on the market but whose owners were thinking of selling. “It was 5 degrees but when I rang the doorbell, the owner came to open it in a t-shirt and boxers!”remembers Céline. Who acts as if nothing had happened and explains to him the reason for this ringing of the doorbell. “The guy was nice, he told me that in fact he might be selling his house because his wife had just left him for a colleague’s best friend… We were chatting and, all of a sudden, he asks me if I’ve ever cheated on my husband!»
Céline replies that no, and that there is no question of it. It takes more to disconcert the gentleman, who bluntly asks her if, in this polar cold, she would not like to “to warm up in (his) bed, (his) wife being at work!” “I obviously left, too bad for the possible sale of the house,” smiles Céline, who, this time, was not at all sure that the couple was in the process of divorcing… She has several anecdotes like these: “I always got away with it without any problem, it was light. Only once did I feel very uncomfortable. It must be said that there were two of them, the tenant of the accommodation for sale and one of his friends…” No, definitely, the life of a real estate agent is not a long, quiet river.
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