According to numerology, there are dates that are more auspicious than others for organizing a wedding. The forecasts of our expert, Caroline Drogo, tarot reader and numerologist, for this spring 2024.
To choose their wedding date, some people search the stars while others trust the numbers. This is the whole principle of numerology which would have been codified in the times of Antiquity by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. To explain simply, numerology is the study of numbers. “There is a belief which says that we all have numbers that make us up, for example our date of birth, our first and last name too. Each letter corresponds to numbers, and placed end to end, these numbers create like a portrait of us It can also give us indications on what we will like, our way of functioning and reacting with others, as if ultimately they were predispositions. explains Caroline Drogo, tarot reader and author of the book “Numérologie Tell me who I am” (Solar Editions).
From year to year, there would be dates which augured good things. We therefore wanted to know if according to numerology, certain dates should be avoided this year to get married, and there are some! Expert Caroline Drogo used her numerology calendar, assuming that most weddings take place on weekends, to come up with several dates that fall this spring.
In May, the dates of May 19 and 21 are not really favorable for weddings. “The 19th is a special day, because there may be delays and unforeseen events that arise, things do not necessarily go as we would have imagined. But beyond that, it can be a beautiful day, synonymous with surprises and therefore significant memories. On the other hand, for very perfectionist couples, who like to control everything, this will not be the ideal date. comments the tarot reader.
May 21 is the least recommended day according to numerology. “Because we can ask ourselves a lot of thoughts, we are introspective. It is therefore not the desired mood to get married, unless we are facing a spiritual couple”, who is in harmony with himself, underlines the expert. For spring weddings, there is also the date of Sunday June 2, which is not suitable this year, because again, “It’s a day when people think too much” and question everything, Caroline Drogo explains to us. If you are planning to get married on one of these dates, don’t panic while reading this article. Keep in mind that this will be, whatever happens, the happiest day of your life, because you are going to be united with the person you sincerely love and that is the most important thing!