Some signs are often underestimated.
Anemia is defined by insufficient red blood cells or a lack of hemoglobin, this essential protein for the transport of oxygen to your body tissues. When blood does not do its job properly, the repercussions can be multiple, especially in terms of tissue oxygenation.
Several signs may be the revealing of a hemoglobin deficit. Slesing is one, for example, with difficulties in breathing after moderate effort, such as climbing a few steps or carrying shopping bags. “”The heart then works more to compensate for the lack of oxygen, which can cause heart palpitations or a feeling of accelerated beatsexplains Dr. Alexis Roullaud, general practitioner in Saint-Étienne and medical coordinator of Ramsay Santé medical centers. In case of advanced anemia, these symptoms may even appear at rest and cause chest pain“.
Dizziness or a feeling of a head that turns when you go from the sitting position or lying to the standing position can also be alert signs. This phenomenon, called orthostatic hypotension, can be linked to insufficient oxygenation of tissues, especially in the brain. A fragility of the hair or nails, as well as their brittle appearance, are sometimes linked to an iron deficiency (one of the main causes of anemia). Anemia can sometimes be accompanied by muscle weakness or a decrease in physical performance and pallor in the connective (the interior of the eyelids). But the best known indicator of anemia is “A persistent fatigue that we feel even after a good night’s sleep “ explains Dr. Roullaud.
Among the treatments of anemia, it is necessary to have a diet rich in iron (red meat, spinach, lenses, tofu), vitamin B12 (dairy products, eggs) and folic acid (green vegetables, nuts). Supplements can also be prescribed. If anemia is caused by abundant rules or digestive bleeding, treating these underlying problems is essential. In the event of chronic diseases such as kidney failure, specific management is necessary to improve the general state of health.