To lose weight sustainably, you just need to choose the most effective diet. Nutrition specialists show you how to achieve your goal.
Who says new year, says new resolution! And in 2025, you have decided to get rid of those extra pounds to feel better about yourself. To achieve this goal, there is nothing better than following a suitable diet that will help you lose weight. There are obviously a slew of them, so how do you choose the one that will allow you to lower the needle on the scale in the long term? Two nutrition experts, interviewed by the online magazine Preventionrevealed the best diet of the year.
If the diet is not always popular, know today that there are nutritional rebalancing options that are safe for your health and effective for losing weight. No need to immerse yourself in an ultra-restrictive diet, because “The most important thing to understand to lose weight in a healthy way is to eat a balanced diet of nutrients and eat in a calorie deficit, that is, below the number of calories needed to maintain your weight” points out Jim White, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. According to specialists, it seems that the best in this area is the Mediterranean diet. In addition to being a slimming diet, the Mediterranean diet is also a health diet since it advocates a healthy lifestyle in general. Known to promote longevity, it is also particularly effective for weight loss. What exactly does it consist of? “The Mediterranean diet focuses on lean meat and fish, limited red meat, as well as eating fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and oils, herbs and spices, and grains complete”explains Jim White. By following the Mediterranean diet, you adopt a balanced and varied diet that fits easily into your daily life. Add regular physical activity to this, and you will quickly see results.
Among other effective diets for weight loss, experts also cite the DASH diet, the MIND diet, the Atlantic diet, intermittent fasting, the paleo diet, the volumetric diet, the Noom program, the vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian diet. and the pescetarian diet. To choose the one that suits you best, Adiana Castro, founder of Compass Nutrition advises: “The best diet is one that is sustainable and consistent over the long term for you. The quality of the foods you use to fuel your body is essential, and it’s important to include whole foods in your diet like protein, lipids and fibers for a balanced meal.”