On a daily basis or hiking, did you know that a simple adjustment in your way of walking could significantly boost your weight loss? Experts have revealed their trick to maximize their results.
420 kilos less thanks to walking, these are the cumulative results of four American walking. However, these spectacular transformations do not surprise experts. A Harvard study has shown that walking activates genetic mechanisms promoting weight loss. However, consistency remains essential. For that, “All you need is a good pair of shoes“, suggests the cardiologist David Sabgir. By simply adding 3 km to your daily routine, or 4,000 steps, you burn enough calories to lose about one kilo per month and more than 9 kilos in one year.
However, to maximize fat loss, it is not only enough to walk, it is also necessary to alternate rhythms. Regularly switching from slow to a faster look activates fat burning and improves metabolism. This is what the University of Michigan recommends, a study of which shows that women over 50 who were walking at a varied pace burned 2.73 times more fat than those that were still walking at the same speed. “”Go slowly, then accelerate, and you will see the difference“, Advives Katarina Borer, a specialist in metabolism. This method, easy to apply, will melt you in no time.
Kari Newman, 49, is living proof of this. During an outing in kind, she found herself unable to keep up with a hike with friends. “”I was so frustrated“, She says. She then started walking gradually, gradually increasing her number of daily steps. In a year, she lost 50 kilos.”I set myself 10,000 steps per day“, She says. Traci Day, 55, experienced an even more impressive transformation. After reaching 200 kilos, she started with ultra-curtly walks, then gradually increased the distance. In two years, she lost 115 kilos.I walked every day and, without realizing it, my body was transformed. I was surprised by the speed of my weight loss!“.
Besides, walking quickly makes the difference when you want to lose weight. A study by the University of Kansas analyzed hundreds of people following a diet and found a key point: those who lost the most weight worked about 4,400 steps per day at a moderate pace. Conversely, those who lost little or no weight did not exceed 1,800 steps at this intensity. Indeed, after an intense effort, the body continues to burn calories even at rest, as if it were still in motion. This effect, highlighted by a European study, lasts up to 10.5 hours. Better still, these variations in intensity stimulate hormones promoting fat transformation into muscle.
Thus, to optimize the benefits of walking, it is essential to vary the intensities. Not only does it accelerate weight loss, but it also improves general physical condition. So, put on your sneakers and alternate rhythms for visible results faster!