The popular savings book (LEP) remains the most attractive secure product on the market, with a rate of 3.5%, well above 2.4% of the A. to take advantage of it in 2025, you must respect New income ceilings, recently revalued with inflation.
© Pixavril
– What is the maximum annual income to open a LEP this year?
Bad news for savers: on February 1, the yield of your regulated booklets (Booklet A, LDDS, LEP) fell. But among these, a particularly attractive remains: the popular savings book (LEP). Its interest rate, which should have landed at 2.9% given the level of inflation and the rate of booklet A, was finally maintained at 3.5%. It therefore remains much more interesting than booklet A and LDDS, now paid 2.4%.
If the LEP remains the best secure placement on the market, a downside, however: it is not accessible to all. This booklet is indeed reserved for modest income savers. To be able to subscribe to it – or keep it once subscribed -, your income must not exceed a certain ceiling, revised each year depending on inflation. However, with the censorship of the government of Michel Barnier, and the highlighting of the finance bill (PLF) for 2025, the inflation retained to revalue these ceilings was not always known
Booklet A, LEP, Cel: the official interest rates of your savings on February 1, 2025
A resource ceiling of 22,822.54 euros for a single person
Problem resolved since February 3 with the use of article 49-3 of the Constitution to have the budget adopted, a text which provides for a revaluation of 1.8% of the groups of the tax scale. An identical indexation applying to the 2024 resource ceilings to open a LEP, the new income thresholds not to be exceeded for 2025 are therefore known. Thus, to subscribe to a LEP this year, a single person must not earn more 22,822.54 euros.
This amount corresponds to the reference tax income (RFR), indicated on the tax notice that you received in the summer of 2024, relating to your 2023 income. Note that if your income from 2024 (appearing in your opinion D ‘Taxation 2025) are superior to this ceiling, you can always open or keep your LEP. It is enough that your income in one of the previous two years (2023 or 2024, therefore) are lower than this ceiling to be eligible for the LEP.
In addition to this ceiling which is worth for a single person, you can find in the table below the resource ceilings according to your number of shares. For example, for a family made up of a married or PACS couple and two children (3 fiscal parts), the RFR not exceeding this year of 47 201.61 euros.
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