Liane Fany confided in filter on her age report to “France Sunday”. The singer, who hates the term “senior”, qualifies her well …
Liane Fany is now 62, but she is far from being complexed by her age! The interpreter of Life does not teach me anything It is up to it to apprehend the sixties. The artist, on the stage of the Théâtre de la Tour Eiffel from March 21 to April 12 for his only-in-Scène La Folle goes back in thesisconfided in an interview with France Sunday…
Liane Fany, “Sexygenaire”: “I hate the word ‘senior'”
It was in 1988, at 26, that the singer released her very first album, The man i love. Almost forty years later, the artist is still in the spotlight. When she “Look in the retro“From his life, Liane Fany has a thought in mind:”That I am a happy sexygenaire“. A term she likes to use to qualify her age group instead of the word”senior“, that she”Find very ugly“.
“”It perfectly sums up what I think of life. Because it is not necessarily easy to age“said the one who is still trying to remain positive.”For my part, it was not easy to cross the course of the fifties, with this feeling of really going to the other side, of entering another sphere“, she said. The Cap of the sixties”oddly“was easier to cross for the interpreter of We all have the right: “”I was certainly used to“.
Despite everything, Liane Fany assures that she remains serene in front of the passing time. “”I like life, but I am of rare lucidity, so I live what there is to live. I also feel in very great connection with ‘up there, the universe, all the missing that I love and who accompany me on a daily basis“, also said the singer, whose mother had clairvoyance.
Liane Fany and cosmetic surgery: “I’m just …”
As for cosmetic surgery, Liane Fany assumes having already used it in the 90s, with rhinoplasty. But today, she has a different opinion on the subject. “”When we get older, we say to ourselves: ‘I did not have maturity perhaps to accept me as I was and to love this nose’. Today, with my way, everything I did, I might not do it again“She said at the microphone of France Bleu.
However, she admitted that she has given in to aesthetic medicine procedures. “”I just have hyaluronic acid stings that are fading over time but neither Botox nor heavy surgery“, she said to Gala Before ensuring that it had never made a facelift, contrary to what certain rumors could tell …