A capital reader wonders about the best way to place a significant sum for a future real estate project in the short term.
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– Where to place your money without risk in 2025?
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Our reader Martine addresses the following question: “I have just sold an apartment and I would like to reinvest the amount, around 100,000 euros, in a real estate purchase this summer. Where to put this sum in the meantime? Is it useful to place it in my life insurance, knowing that I will have costs to pay? ”
Hello Martine, and thank you for your question, which will allow us to come back to the best temporary savings solutions of this early 2025. In your case, to place a sum of money waiting for a purchase Real estate planned in a few months, it will be essential to favor two elements. First, security: having a short -term project, you must not risk losing part of your savings by opting for risky placement and by definition volatile (on the financial markets, for example). Second: availability. You will need to be able to recover your nest at the time of your real estate project quickly and freely.
Booklets are the best option to favor
To check these two boxes – Safety and liquidity -, the most suitable solution is only to place your capital on regulated banking booklets: Livret A, the Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet (LDDS) or the Popular Savings Booklet (LEP, if you are eligible). Admittedly, they offer moderate remuneration (2.4% for booklet A from February 1) but your capital is guaranteed to 100%, while allowing rapid withdrawal and at no cost. In other words, you are guaranteed not to lose anything, and even to win a little, and to be able to recover your funds at any time.
Life insurance: these risk -free contracts which report more than the booklet A
If your regulated booklets are already on the ceiling (22,950 euros for booklet A, 12,000 euros for LDDS, 10,000 euros for LEP), you can consider opening a conventional bank book with your bank. Some online players also offer “super booklets” with advantageous short -term rates. These booklets are also secure, with a guarantee up to 100,000 euros from the deposit and resolution guarantee fund (FGDR), and your savings are available at any time.
Currently, it is still possible to find some of these booklets with an interest rate of 4% valid for a period of two to four months. Be careful, however, unlike regulated booklets, the interests of these savings products are subject to the single (or flat tax) deduction of 30%. But apart from this taxation which applies to your earnings only, you do not lose anything on your 100,000 euros, and you will have no fees at the exit. In addition, these booklets can very well “stick” to the temporality of your real estate project.
Life insurance, an option to be considered with caution
Placing this amount on your life insurance, as you suggest, Martine, is also an option, but it is not necessarily optimal in your situation. Admittedly, life insurance, if invested in euros funds, is also a guaranteed investment. But it is above all a medium or long -term investment, because its tax advantages on withdrawals apply fully after 8 years of detention. In your case, in the event of an outlet before 4 years, it is the unique flat -rate levy (PFU) of 30% which will apply on your earnings. What is more, the opening of a contract or the payment of funds on an existing contract may result in entry or payment costs (generally from 1% to 5% of the amount invested), which could reduce your capital on such a short period.
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