«Mothers can’t take it anymore, we gave birth to our children and some fools have taken them away. Place the weapons and believe in justice: your road leads only to death, in prison or on the street ” he said Neapolitan concept, Mother of Francesco Pio Maimone After the sentence that condemns to life imprisonment Francesco Pio Valda, the 21 -year -old baby boss who on the night of March 20, 2023, among the chalets of the promenade, shooting in the crowd, killed the 18 -year -old pizza chef who tried to divide the quarrels for a pair of shoes dirty. The dad, Antonio Maimone Instead, he made an appeal “to all these young people: you pay weapons and believe in legality and justice because Going along the wrong road there are two ways: either in prison for life or underground. Believe in justice and follow legality because you young people are the future of Naples. So his brother Emanuele, with his voice broken by crying: «I prayed every evening so that we had justice. Thanks to magistrates, lawyers and police for investigations ».
Francesco Pio Maimone is in fact another innocent victim of the Camorra violence, a boy completely foreign to that brawl broke out between groups of young people tied to the mala, for the so -called futile reasons: a dirty designed shoe, perhaps from a few drops of a drink, perhaps because inadvertently beaten. Pio died in the arms of a dear friend of his, without even knowing why, due to one of the pistol shots Which, according to the accusation and according to the judges, valves exploded to the impazzate to remove its attackers.

Moments of tension during the harangue of the defender of Valda, the lawyer Antonio Ivarone, when he recalled the words of one of the witnesses listened to, the owner of one of the Chalet Theater of the tragedy, which during the trial questioned the dynamic of the murder, in particular the management of the shots. “It’s a liar, you are taking into account what a liar said,” he shouted a voice from the public. The man, on the order of President Teresa Annunziata, was identified and removed by the police. Before the beginning of the hearing, the anti-mafia prosecutor Antonella Brother filed the sentence with which a dozen days ago was sanctioned by the existence of the Aprea-Valda clan of the Barra district of Naples, headed by Francesco Pio Valda. The judicial authority also sentenced four more of the seven defendants, among relatives and friends of Valda: Alessandra Clemente, the 27 -year -old cousin, two years and six months of imprisonment; the 24 -year -old Salvatore Mancini at the age of four; Giuseppina Niglio, grandmother of Valda, 75 years old, at four years and six months of imprisonment and a fine of 6 thousand euros; Pasquale Saiz, 23 years old, at four years in prison. Acquittal and cancellation of the precautionary measure for the other two defendants: the sister of Valda, Giuseppina, and Giuseppe Perna. “It is a sentence against Camorra culture, a signal for everyone”concluded The lawyer Sergio Pisani, lawyer of the Maimone family.

Mum Tina, to Dad Antonio, in compliance with the institutions and the judiciary, went beyond the pain, pouring with their words forces and commitment in the memory of their son, an innocent victim of a gesture of active citizenship and the blind fury of the Camorra. A sign of courage that recalls the strength of other parents and family members of young victims, who in mourning have found energy to transform the tragedy into a moment of social and collective education: Like Gino and Elena Cecchettin, old father and older sister, victim of a femicide: “The” monsters “” said Elena “are not sick, they are healthy children of patriarchate, of the culture of rape”. But also Yeia and Farida Elgaml, parents of Ramy, The nineteen year old died at dawn on Sunday 24 November in Milan at the end of the long chase by the carabinieri, who between tears and dismay, Exclusive interviewees by Famiglia Cristiana in number 4 of 2025said: «Ramy was a boy full of passions, he loved life in all his aspects. We came to Italy from Egypt to give our two children, Tarek and Ramy, a better future. We feel Italian. We love this country that has welcomed us and given great possibilities and we respect the laws ». In recent weeks, the Elgaml family has repeatedly dissociated himself by processions, events, disorders and violent gestures against the police “in the name of Ramy”, asking only truth and justice for the death of his son. No revenge: “Ramy certainly didn’t want this. We know very well that the police do they do their job every day and guarantee us to live in a safe country and city. They are, possibly, to be condemned only those who have made a mistake, not the entire category. And in any case, the right place is the Court and the correct times those of justice ».