665 votes and a long applause. The election to the hill of Sergio Mattarella arrives thus, on January 31, 2015, with an avalanche of preferences far superior to those backed (505 would have been enough). At the time judge of the Constitutional Court, long -term politician and always with his back straight (he will remember his resignation, together with four other Christian Democrat ministers including his great friend Martinazzoli, to oppose the Mammì law), a jurist ends e Man of great balance, he managed, in this decade, to keep together, with firmness and kindness, an Italy that tends, however, more and more to fray.
The longest of our heads of state, in the second mandate like Giorgio Napolitano who, however, resigned after a year from the re -election, fully embodies the values of our Constitution. As the first act as president, he will remember, he decided to go, on the afternoon of January 31, to the Fosse Ardeatine to pay homage to the victims of Nazi -fascism, remind everyone of blood and how many suffering cost the construction of our Republic and strengthen the values of our common life.
As a Catholic engaged in politics (and not Catholic politician, in the end distinction he shared with his friend from Brescia to underline that the Catholic becomes yeast and vision and exercises, as a politician, the art of mediation), with a very confidential faith and never “Branded” ideologically, continued to keep our country weld to its founding values. By drawing on these to face the challenges that do not stop questioning us. With still current words, received in the Vatican just two and a half months after her election, Mattarella had underlined to Pope Francis that “our country, and the entire European Union, witness what she has called a new type of world conflict fragmented, on the poorest territories, and of which the drama of refugees is immediate that try to land on our coasts, on the coasts of Europe, to escape wars, persecutions, famines; asking for welcome ». And again, he had insisted, “the Italian institutions and society are engaged, with generosity, to face this emergency … with those broken lives, the hope of many people is lost and the dignity of the international community is compromised. We risk losing our humanity ».
We all remember, in 2020, during the pandemic, to climb alone to pay homage to the unknown milite in Piazza Venezia, embodying, in those few steps on the steps, the spirit of the whole nation.
Guarantor of the rules, as he had promised since his first settlement, with his polite way, never outside Toni, with whom to recall the players to a way of making loyal. A “fireman” president who turns off the tensions between institutions, managing to maintain his being super partes without concessions to the strongest on duty.
When he is re -elected, on January 29, 2022, with 759 votes, he became the second most voted president after Sandro Pertini.
Students listen to him, the chancelleries from all over the world respect him, the Italians love him. Finding in him, that it is Russian aggression to Ukraine, of the conflict in the Middle East, of the quarrels, sometimes from the courtyard of our house, of the attacks of Elon Musk to our judges, that robust calmness, that defense of Italy and of his values that makes us feel still deeply, united by a constraint of solidarity and capable of building, together, future.