![Money and couple: one in three French people admit to having hidden a purchase from his partner Money and couple: one in three French people admit to having hidden a purchase from his partner](https://cap.img.pmdstatic.net/fit/https.3A.2F.2Fi.2Epmdstatic.2Enet.2Fcap.2F2025.2F02.2F12.2F5860df63-588d-4f0f-b440-77094562912e.2Ejpeg/1200x630/focus-point/1334%2C476/cr/wqkgSUxMVVNUUkFUSU9OIENBUElUQUwgV0VCL0ZSRUVQSUsgLyBDQVBJVEFM/argent-et-couple-un-francais-sur-trois-avoue-avoir-cache-un-achat-a-son-partenaire-1509173.jpg)
Financial transparency as a couple? Not so sure. Almost 30 % of French people admit that they have already hidden a purchase or lied about its price to their partner. At the top of the most hidden expenses: clothing, shoes and high-tech products. A habit that speaks volumes about the French report to the management of the marital budget …
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– Almost one person in a couple in three has already hidden a purchase or lied about their price to their partner.
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Money, source of tension in the torque? Almost 40% have already been disputed following a purchase and almost 60% among the youngest (18-24 years) according to a flash study for Hostinger, published this Thursday, February 12. Almost one in three people as a couple admits having already concealed a purchase or lied about their amount to their partner. Among the youngest (18-24 years), this proportion climbs even to 42%.
However, the vast majority (65%) of French couples systematically or regularly consult their partner before a purchase. Among men, 72% even turn to their partner before taking out the credit card against 56% for women.
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What are the most hidden expenses?
For others, those who sometimes hide the price or hide their latest purchases from their partner, for the most part (49%) of clothing, shoes or accessories. Women are more numerous (65% against 33%) to be discreet about this type of spending. Next come the gifts you have yourself (37%), technological products like a new brand new smartphone (30%) then leisure or personal activities.
In this case, it is the men who are the most dungeon: there are 41% to silence their expenses in the outings, the games or the subscriptions against only 16% of the women among the French in couple who have already hidden an expense or lied about the actual amount of a purchase from their partner.
Money as a social marker
More generally, almost one in three French people (27%) has already inflated or embellished the price of a purchase to impress those around them. Men to indulge in this practice (31%) than women (22%). Making a good deal gives a feeling of “Competence, intelligence or resourcefulness” more than half of French people (54%).
Among the youngest (18-34 years old), there are even 68% to think in this way. Consumers appreciate the most save money (65%) when they save but also 9% to experience pride by speaking of this purchase around them and even 5% to particularly appreciate the “Satisfaction to be clearer than others”.
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