The episcopal coat of arms of Monsignor Tarantelli Baccari with the Latin motto “Semper Orare et not to be defined”
“Prayer, service without fatigue and smile”. Are the three cornerstones on which Renato Tarantelli Baccari, the new deputygy of the diocese of Romeauxiliary bishop of the capital for the South and Vicar General of Ostia will found his apostolate. He himself said in the short message addressed to the numerous present at the end of his Episcopal ordination on 4 January in the Basilica of San Giovanni Laterano, to whom Pope Francis assistedwho ordered him priest in the same temple on April 22, 2018, less than 6 years ago. And it is to be swear that in the new, complex mission Don Renato who already renounced forty years old for a brilliant career of lawyer expert in tax matters for the irresistible “call”, will have a constant and silent ally: Maria. Not only because, like readers and readers of Maria with you They have been knowing for some time, it is the diligent Rector of the Roman Sanctuary of the Madonna della Revelation (she composed for her intense prayer), but because the Virgin has always been the partner of her journey of faith. And confirms it in full the coat of arms who chose as a bishop owner of Campliin which the green color prevails, that of the Manto della Madonna which appeared in 1947 to Bruno Cornacchiola in the anthro at the Tre Fontane, on Laurentina, in which the sanctuary of which he is Rector arose. “From when I was a child I learned to love the Eucharist, the Virgin and the Popeand this is what my coat of arms summarizes in the light of Maria’s Message at the Tre Fontane “, explains to us about his Marian sign which summarizes his vocation at the service of the universal Church and must be observed in close connection with the motto Semper ora et not to deryAlways pray and not fail, taken from a Saint Augustine sermon. To develop it precisely was Don Antonio Pompili, vice -president of the Italian Heraldic Institute, recalling the vocational path and spiritual values of Monsignor Tarantelli Baccari, especially in reference to the dimensions of prayer and perseverance. On the fascinating and in some respects mysterious Blazon Episcopal Mariano appears, in the first dial, the lamb crossing the cross that stands out on a golden field, an explicit reference to Sanctuary of Knock, Ireland. «My link with Ireland is very strong. I went there several times as a young man to learn English, during the summer months, and then I developed a passion for Irish culture and music until, after my legal studies, I went to live there for a while, “says the newly-president, who greatly appreciates the opening to the typical spirituality of the Irish people. «I loved the adventurous history of the Irish saints, such as San Patrizio, San Colombano – Abate, Monaco Pellegrino – and Santa Brigida of Kildare, and I was fascinated by history of the silent apparition of the Virgin Mary to Knock», He adds, to explain this important element of his episcopal coat of arms, which evokes the Irish sanctuary, in the County of Mayo, which every year welcomes one and a half million pilgrims, attracted by the apparition that took place on August 21, 1879. The prodigious vision was recognized by the Catholic Church: 15 people saw that day, for a duration of two hours in the parish of the village, in candid, Brilliant, the lamb, the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and San Giovanni Evangelista. This sanctuary was therefore a fundamental place in the vocational history of Bishop Renato. “The identification and representation of Jesus as a lamb finds himself in the Gospel (Jn 1, 29.36) on the mouth of John the Baptist who indicates Jesus as the Messiah defining him the” lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world “. The image of the lamb applied to Christ is then abundantly present (28 times) in the apocalypse, text that, far from setting up a threat, reveals the infinite love of God for us “, underlines Monsignor Tarantelli Bacari. And he points out: “The Christ-Anglo is not only the immolated victim but, at the same time, he is the victorious Christ, standing in that he returned to life: he is also the winner warrior, the leader, the shepherd of the elected who guides them to victory and the sources of the waters of life, the victorious sovereign of the story, and, since his first description in chapter 5, he is the glorified Lord who receives the lord of God and Adoration ». This reference to the apocalypse, a Greek word that etymologically means “revelation”, is not foreign to the Roman Marian sanctuary of three fountains, where the Madonna appeared almost 80 years ago. “The green color certainly recalls Ireland but above all the mantle of the Madonna della Revelation”, observes the deputygy of the diocese of Rome, describing the second quarter of the coat of arms where one “M” letter of silver It stands out on a background of this shade. The initial is immediate reference to the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the same silver of which the letter for her candid shine is enamelled, is a reference to divine revelation “, which cites several times with respect and gratitude. “They are the one who are in the divine Trinity. They are the virgin revelation», These were the words with which the Madonna revealed to Bruno Cornacchiola a violent sectarian who designed the killing of Pope Pius XII on April 12, 1947, touching his heart. “Maria is in the Trinity as everyone is called to be in the Trinitywhen everyone is one with God, participating in the glory of the resurrection of Christ “, explains Monsignor Tarantelli Baccari, pointing out that noting that the Virgin of Revelation is irrefutably Mary assumed in heaven, dogma that Pope Pacelli himself proclaimed three years after the MarioFanie of the three fountains, capturing in them a confirmation of this truth of faith, especially in Mary. leave: “My body could not rot and did not rot.” «It is no coincidence that in the coat of arms The M is crowned with twelve stars To recall those mentioned in the text of the Apocalypse (12.1), used by the liturgy on the occasion of the annual celebration of the hiring. Thus the Virgin of Revelation, depicted with a book in his hands to symbolize writing, presents himself as a teacher of prayer who, placing himself in listening to the Word of God opens up to the mystery of the God one and trine and makes a praise of his life in response to God who reveals himself “. “In the third dialalways on a green camp, color that also recalls life, we find a Sicomoro, a tree that refers to the well -known story of Zaccheo’s meeting with Jesusmeeting that changed the life of what was a public rejected by everyone (Lk 19:1-10) », adds Tarantelli Baccari. “Zaccheo is the model of the Orante who, in order to live his encounter with the Lord, rises above all that is ground to meet his gaze, which is a look of love and mercy, and be transformed from it”. An episode of the Gospel that of Zaccheo that Don Renato has also enhanced a lot in his ministry of priest, especially in meetings with young people, warning them about the need “to abandon everything with which we try to raise ourselves, symbolized by the Sicomoro, to let us humbly reach by the grace of God, who alone can make us greater than ourselves by giving us our true greatness of children of God”. In the end, In the last dial we find a shell Charged of the Cross of San Giacomo. “It is a well -known symbolic reference in Santiago di Compostela And to the practice of pilgrimages that have been accomplished for centuries, “he tells us, revealing his first journey of Santiago, accomplished starting from Lourdes for forty days in winter. Just at the end of this experience, he decided to abandon his career of lawyer and to give up the wedding with his girlfriend to engage in the way of the total gift to God, “from then on I considered my life itself as a pilgrimage of permanent conversion, during which I am invited to testify to the mercy of God”. In the triangular partition located in the tip of the shield, a flower of Nardo is found on the blue field. It is a figure chosen at the time by Pope Francis for his episcopal coat of arms, and still present in his papal coat of arms, to symbolize St. Joseph. “I wanted on the one hand to make a heraldic tribute to the Holy Father who appointed me bishop, and on the other to recall my personal devotion to the bridegroom of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who in his silence and willingness to welcome the Word of God addressed to him by means of the angel, is for all an example of prayer understood as the opening of the heart to the divine project “, concludes this shepherd who, as a auxiliary bishop, will support Cardinal Baldassare Reina, the Pope’s vicar for the diocese of Rome. “I repeat: I learned to love the Blessed Sacrament, the Madonna and the Pope from when I was small, especially through my grandparents, three white loves that appear in my coat of arms, in the light of the message of the Virgin to the Tre Fontane, a very current message in this jubilee year”.