It is not uncommon to see toddlers kissing the mouth under the tender gaze of adults. But at what age do children really fall in love?
Everyone remembers their very first love … When, in the playground, we received a letter in the heart and our little comrade kissed us and held us by hand, all proud. Your little girl only talks to you about his dear Thomas or your boy of his girlfriend Alexandra? These are the first signs that show that your child is starting to get new emotions. But at what age can we really talk about first love in children?
You should know that among toddlers, Being in love is a learning that is done a lot by imitation. He observes what is happening around him, notes and understands that there are different types of relationships between people“Explains the Doctor of Psychology Emeric Lebreton, also author of”How do you fall in love?“. And contrary to what one might think, children fall in love earlier than we imagine. “You can be in love at any age, there are children of 4 or 5 years old who are in love”specifies the expert. The first love can therefore start from kindergarten.
Moreover, “Some do not hesitate to put a word on it and declare themselves in love to formalize their relationship. Even to kisses on their mouths to their girlfriend or boyfriend, or to give them gifts, to hold hands or to cuddle, when they are only five years old “notes Emeric Lebreton. Other children may feel in love without even being demonstrative: they “Can be in love with a person without ever speaking to him. Sometimes the interested party is not even aware“.
But then, why do babies kiss on their mouths? According to another psychologist, Stephan Valentin, author of the book “Arthur is in love”, at Pfefferkorn editions, it is simply the reproduction of what they see of their parents. “”Toddlers observe their parents and the way they show themselves that they love each other. For the child, giving a kiss is then the sign that we love and the desire to be with the other, to spend time together“Explains the specialist. According to him, babies do not really fall in love.”It is especially from 6 or 7 years old that a strong attraction for another boy or a girl allows to speak of a first great love “.
These love feelings during childhood nevertheless not have the same intensity as in adults. “”Before 10 years, children can be in love with a person, then a week after another or be in love with two people at the same time. In fact, “they are learning to put words on their emotions and identify the nature of the relationships they have with others. Falling in love therefore participates in their learning”, noted Emeric Lebreton. Growing up, especially towards the age of entry to college, being in love is taken very seriously and lived in a more intense way.