Without realizing it, many owners give excessive amounts of treats to their cat.
What owner has never given a treat to his cat? These little sweets are often offered to please him or just to make him taste a new food. Sometimes they also serve to reward good behavior or strengthen the link between the animal and its master. Others use them to ease their guilt after a long absence or to divert cat attention at a stressful moment, such as a visit to the veterinarian. However, even if these treats start from a good intention, they are often given in too large quantities. However, it must be remembered, as for a child finally, a cat does not eat the same quantities as us, human adults.
Indeed, which seems to be a little treat for cat owners – like a piece of cheese, the bottom of a yogurt or a piece of ham – is actually far too generous for a feline. On the Tiktok social network, a alias @nico_veto veterinarian explains it very well in one of his videos: “You think that giving your cat a little cheese is not much? A piece of 20 grams for a human, it’s a simple bite of camembert. But if you give 20 grams of camembert to your cat, it’s like you, you ate a camembert more half of one.”
@nico_veto Why is a little piece of camembert for your cat?! Do you think a mini piece of cheese is nothing for your cat? Think again! 20 g of camembert for you = a bite 20 g for your cat = an entire camembert for you! Cats are much smaller than us, so a little pleasure can quickly become a calorie bomb for their body. Result ? Bad digestion, weight gain, and health risks. Morality: for your cat, a micro-butt is largely enough! Tell me, have you already given her cheese?
its original – Nico_veto
Thus, the right portion to give to a cat is much smaller. For a simple delicacy, the veterinarian advises to adapt the doses to the size of the animal. To use the example of cheese, “A mini end” is enough for an adult, for a cat “A micro end”which covers the tip of a knife, is enough for him, shows the expert in his video.
But then, why is it so important to pay attention to this? Simply because a cat weighs “About 17 times less” than a human. Thus, what can be akin to a small portion for a person is a real caloric bomb for the animal. At the time, by stretching the treats, the masters do not necessarily think of the consequences. A big portion, that “can become far too heavy for its digestion and health”, underlines the veterinarian. The main risk being to make it fat, which can sometimes lead to diabetes and other problems which, in the long term, affect the quality of life of the animal.