A small town Auvergne had to make a cross on more than 7,000 euros in rent unpaid. The tenant of a municipal housing set up an over -indebtedness file. With the key to the erasure of its rental debt.
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– The tenant filed a second over -indebtedness file, in order to obtain the erasure of the rent unpaids which he continued to accumulate during the first procedure.
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For an owner lessorrecover unpaid rents Often falls under the obstacle course. Especially if the tenant has placed himself in the procedure of over -indebtedness with the Banque de France. This mayor of an Auvergne village, which rented a municipal housing To a couple, paid the price. “After a separation from his wife, the gentleman stayed alone in the apartment. After a few months, he stopped paying the rent. Understanding that his situation was not simple, we asked him to settle what he could. The rent was only 450 euros per month… ”relates the elected official to Capital.
The dialogue proving impossible, the town has mandated a court commissioner To deliver a command to pay to the tenant. But “He went to see a social worker in order to set up an over-indebtedness file”he continues. The over -indebtedness commission having considered that this gentleman was no chance of seeing his financial situation improve, via a real estate sale or a return to employment, for example, it has erased its rental debt.
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Appeal against the decision of the over -indebtedness committee
Race result, the village will not be not reimbursed 7,000 euros in unpaid rents. And “The tenant remains without paying, neither the rent nor the water bills, in a accommodation of more than 100 square meters, in the center, with terrace and garden, which we had renovated!”indignant the mayor. An apartment that would benefit a family more, it is also distressing, stressing that the village does not have a lot of municipal housing. He admits all the more bitter since the tenant filed a second over -indebtedness file, in order to obtain the erasure of the unpaid rent which he continued to accumulate during the first procedure.
An erasure that the over -indebtedness commission has just granted it. “This time we took a lawyer, to form a appeal against the decision of the commission. We are a small town of 1,000 inhabitants, we can accommodate unpaid rents for a few months but not for several years“The mayor worries, also concerned about legal costs that this appeal will train for the village. “Demuni”he says to himself “angry”not only against this tenant “Who knows the procedures well” but also against regulations he deems “More favorable to tenants than to lessors”.
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