Call for testimonials. “My landlord doesn’t want to give me back my deposit”, “my tenant pays me late”… Cases of bickering, more or less serious, between owners and tenants are legion. If you have experienced any, do not hesitate to tell the Capital editorial team.
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– Relations between owners and tenants are governed in particular by the law of July 6, 1989 “tending to improve rental relations”.
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Relations between real estate owners and tenants are not always a long, quiet river. After three years of a lease without a hitch, the contract ended badly for Lina and her owner. After the inventory of fixtures upon leaving her apartment, the young woman received from the lessor a request for payment of 700 euros, for damage, in addition to the deposit of 850 euros which she had paid and which he intends to keep in full. The fear of not being able to recover the security deposit, which represents one or two months’ rent excluding charges depending on whether the accommodation is rented bare or furnished, is undoubtedly one of the most widespread fears among tenants. But Lina must put herself in the place of her owner, who was not happy to see the walls of her property covered with stickers whose peeling removed the paint…
Another frequent subject of friction is repairs. The wardrobe door in your bedroom no longer opens, so you naturally turn to the real estate agency, who tells you that this type of repair is your responsibility, the tenantand not to the owner. The latter, however, will not be able to replace your hot water tank, which has just given up the ghost.
Rental: can the owner claim more than the deposit in the event of damage?
Unpaid rent, the fear of landlords
But these problems of who does what in terms of reparations are little compared to the unpaid rentthe owners’ primary fear. “A few months after signing the lease, my tenant first paid his rent late, then didn’t pay it at all”Bastien recently told Capital. A tenant whoknew the law much better than me.he sighs, and who was therefore able to stay in the premises for several months despite his unpaid rent. Without reaching such an extreme, some owners have to deal with tenants who party until late and who annoy the neighbors. Without forgetting the tenants who do not ask their lessor for authorization to sublet the apartment during their vacation, which can lead to unpleasant surprises as to the condition of the property after the sub-tenants have visited.
Whether you are an owner or a tenant, if you too have encountered similar situations, do not hesitate to testify, anonymously if you wish, by writing to us at the following address: clejoux+té
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