“The Pope is in Santa Marta, rests and sees nobody, at least to that of my knowledge”. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, intervening, in Sacrofano, to the chair of reception, speak of the many people who still continue to pray for the Pope. “I think what we need to do is above all: accompanying it with our prayer.” On the sidelines of the meeting, he talks about the importance, for the pontiff, to “find time to recover a little at a time, being quiet and without carrying out public activities”: And just today the Station Orbis comes to mind, when the Pope alone in St. Peter’s Square prayed for the end of the pandemic. “This loneliness, this silence a little today returns to another form”, underlines the Cardinal, “even if there is always a Pope’s participation. It seems to me that the Pope is well connected with the whole church and with all the faithful. Here, all the manifestations of affection and above all of prayer with which he was accompanied during the days of his illness have shown it. And that continue, that continue. I continually receive messages from people who say they are praying for the Pope, for his full recovery. For a restoration to return to carry out its activity, to govern the Church, perhaps not as before, perhaps with different forms, but still to govern ».
The Secretary of State also comments on the Hard words of Trump against Europe and the Europeans who would be “of parasites”, remembering, instead, the Pope’s words to the director of Corriere della Sera: «We must begin to disarm the words to avoid that they then become conflicts and become a wars war. This applies to everyone and above all today, when there is this situation so tense in all areas, it is good to use a few words, to be silent as much as possible. And if you use words use wise words, words that can help to dialogue, meet and not divide ». Continue to feed hope for Ukraine. “I know that shopkeepers continue,” he says, “and I hope they can really get to positive conclusions. I believe that the important thing is that you shops without pre -contracts so that an agreement is found and you can get to a truce before and a real negotiation then to reach that right and lasting peace that we all hope for and that, I think, even the parts themselves wish to obtain ».
For Gaza, the key word, for the secretary of state, is “moderation”. «We had many hopes on this truce. It was temporary, but we hoped it became a permanent truce. And also that a speech of pacification and reconstruction could be started. I believe that from the two sides you have to have a great sense of moderation, which perhaps has not been exercised. Both by Hamas, and by the Israelis. We must try to find a way to solve the problem that is without the need to resort to weapons ».